John Smith lol, today in seminar class; The class ends and i'm talking to my professor when this girl Victoria (which whom i only know through a group project we did together) gives me a different girls number! Her names Alexys and i cant recall at all what she even looks like, but she's in the class as-well. I don't know why this Alexys didn't just give me her number herself, o girls. But hey i'm not complaining if anything that experience spiced up my day from the norm. I love anything different that happens to change things up a bit.
Naqsh E Ayaan arz-o-samaa mein gunjta hai matam hamara….
aulad-e-yazid ko chubta hai maqam hamara….
jaltey raho…kurtey raho…martey raho hamein….
badla lega…abhi to baqi hai ik aur imam hamara….
Tiffany DoinMe Kelly LMS? ; ♥ (Guys Only)
You're My....
[] Babee >_♥
[] Friendd
[] Futuree Babee
[] Facebook Friend
[] Stranger >.<
[] Bestieee (:
[] Brother
[] Sister
[] Nothinq Really O;
[] My WifeY ^ . ♥♥
[] Text Mee
[] Call Mee
[] Hmu Moree
[] Chill With Mee
[] Inbox Mee.
[] Nothinq -____-
[] Yourr Body
[] Eyess
[] Smilee(:
[] Lipss
[] Personality
[] Dimpless (:
[] Everythinq ♥ ;D
[] Nothing Sorry
[] Yes ♥
[] No -_____-
[] MayBee(;
[] G T F O !!
[] Just Friendss
Tania Brenes Picado heck yes!! just ate a complete meal for the first time in like 5 days!! so far feeling good :O)
Elida Rasmussen Me deram : 8 Anos
Queria ser: Modelo
Programa favorito: TV Cruj
Tinha namorada(o): Não
Melhores amigos (as) : Janiquele Nobre, Karol Soares ,Andre Herdy
Onde estudava: Artuh Bandeirah
Curte que eu te dou uma idade.
Nathália Silva Sua idade? 21
Ciumento: só quando necessário!
Cor preferida? preto
Música: Tudo que sonhei - Thalles Roberto
Amizade com ex pode: pq ñ?
Beber até cair: nunca
Usar roupa curta pode: ñ gosto..fica a critério de cada um
Matar aula pode: sim
Ter duas namoradas pode: NUNCA
5 pessoas para fazer o mesmo : Lilian Barbosa, Lilian Dos Santos, Géssika Coutinho, Fernando De Menezes Lôbo, Angel Fernandes e Jéssica Fernandes
Stacey Hester If you think I’m cute, like this status. If you think I’m funny, put a XD. If you think I’m crazy, put a ! If you think I’m pretty, put a o-o. If you think I’m ugly, put a .w. If you have a crush on me, put a ♥. If I’m your friend, put a :D If I’m your enemy, put a :@ If you dislike me, put a 3. If you are brave enough, re-post this as your status
Gui Bloss "É o coração que bombeia pênis pro sangue!!!" Palavras sábias de Victor Piaskowski !!!
Ruben Alexis Sanhueza Tasso O Doctor Socrates, o mais grande Do Corinthians e Capitan da Selecao Brasileira foi inbora para otro mundo com 57 anhos... Q.E.P.D.
Diego Gomez No se empeñe en retroceder a lo hecho o dicho!!! La unica forma de avanzar en esta vida es para adelante y no para atrás!!!!
Roseanna Votion Barron Kids are already sleeping :O .. I KNOW! Lol I got my whole bed to myself tonight .. Gonna take some cold meds ( for my fever and "man" voice lol ) and try to stay warm! :(
Vitor Bizzo Dad's pride
Se não fosse a violência, o tráfico e tudo tipo de criminalidade, o Rio de Janeiro seria Perfeito!
Maria Torrz Glvz qien sera mas celoso, el hombre o la mujer??? o son iguales? yo creo q el hombre... bueno almenos los q yo conosco si son mas celosos q nosotras. lol
Deepak Garg ^G^hee dosa
^O^mlet tomato
^D^ahi vada
^M^asala dosa
^)^nion dosa
^R^ava dosa
^G^oodMorning with
Special Breakfast
Natalie Monte i find it odd that Tate from American Horror story was in the movie Sleepover :o
Ricky Torres talking o someone tht makes my day and makes me smile^.^
Allan Ramirez 15* Likes &&' i'll do my ABC's
A. Avaible:
B. Birthday:
C. Crushinnq on:
D. Drink you had last:
E. Easiest Person to talk to:
F. Favorite sonq:
G. Greatest memory:
H. Hometown:
I. Inlove with:
J. Jelous of:
K. Killed someone:
L. Lonqest Releationship:
M. Milkshake Flavor
N. Number of sibilinnqs:
O. One wish:
P. Person who last called you:
Q. Question I've always had:
R. Reason to smile:
S. Sonq you last heard:
T. Time you woked up:
U. Underwear color:
V. Violent momment:
W. Who was your last kiss:
X. X-rays you've had:
Y. Your favorite color:
Z. Zodiac siqn:
Josh Groban-O Come All Ye Faithful-Rockefeller-2007
Luana Dias Inaimo Esse ano eu:
01.( ) Matei aula
02.(x) Perdi alguém muito especial pra mim
03.( ) Mudei pra pior
04.(x) Fui jogado na piscina
05.(x) Bebi alguma bebida alcoólica
06.(x) Ri até chorar
07.( ) Cai andando de bicicleta
08.(x) Colei na prova [sempre]
09.(x) Escutei música no banho
10.( ) Fiquei de recuperação
11.(x) Fiquei um dia inteiro de pijama
12.( ) Me queimei
13.(x) Dancei muito em uma festa
14.(x) Fui pra praia
15.( ) Consegui andar de skate
16.( ) Andei muito de skate
17.( ) Gravei cover de alguma musica
18.( ) Dormi no trabalho
19.( ) Fiz uma operação
20.(x) Me cortei
21.(x) Sonhei com alguma coisa e depois ela aconteceu
22.(x) Me apaixonei
23.(x) Conversei muito
24.(x) Me arrependi de alguma coisa que eu fiz
25.( ) Me arrependi de não ter feito algo
26.( ) Conheci o amor da minha vida
27.( ) Me apaixonei e me fudi
escolha 5 pessoas para fazer o mesmo : Gabriela Fernandes Duuh Rodriguees Marcelle Rodriguez Ana Claudia Dias Rezende Carolina Freire
Brisa D'lluvia quien sabe o adivina mi color favorito........................... :)
Skye Bennett S I N G L E or N O T put this as your STATUS & see who isn't afraid to inbox you:
♥ = I want a relationship
C: = I'm falling for you
(; = I really like you
:3 = I miss you
... ... ... ... ... ... ;* = You're very cute
:p = Give me another chance
:D = You're awesome
xD = You're Funny
:O = I Love you
Lora Jones-Gholson Still Standing People I tell u....lmao cuz shit nowadays is too funny...all I can say is people betta b lucky I ain who I used to b n thankn god for who I am today....anger management did me all da justice o yea n touchin riverside cuz dat shit ain fa me othawise I woulda been let my hand beat up ur face(in my franchize boyz voice) lol but ian even playin n dats on my kids n my deceased granny....ian even a fighter but wen u play wit my intelligence or sum I luv u cross boundaries n dat rite dea ugggh well enuff said im done.....but u kno exactly who u r n ian taggin u cuz u kno n ain no need fa all dat im n my feelins so I had to jus put dat our dea.
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