Vinoth Raja inru enaka pirantha nal valthukal sonna anaithu nalla ulangalukkum nanrigal......!
thank u fr ur wshs guys...................!
Rose Anne Endaya its hard 2 care for sum1 wen u know dat 1 step 4ward wil u make fall inlove & a step backward will ruin ur heart....
Dee Morris Going to Kim's Lakeside tonite, to listen to a GREAT group. . . the Danny Moore Trio!! Their music rocks!!! Be there 8 to 11, if u want some Fri. nite fun!!
Deepak Kumar Verma Fresh air, fresh idea,
fresh talent, fresh energy,
I wish u to have a
special Sunday..
marvelous Monday,
tasty Tuesday,
wonderful Wednesday,
thankful Thursday,
friendly Friday,
successful Saturday,
*have a great weekend ahead*
Naina Angel g!u!d n!i!t!e f!r!n!d!z
Abdul Wali Top of the mornnin to u freaky friday money holiday mothaf%#+as. Bout to feed my 3the hard way yall know who des lil famous niggaz the my pride and joy. Ight!! Phrays for today{NEVER PUT OFF TILL TOMORROW WHAT U CAN DO TO DAY} Beautiful wemen yall have a great day {INSHA~ALLAH}
Neran Zan If u don't
my silence,
u ll not
understand my words...
Veb Agmey Wenever u love sum1 giv sum time 4 tat sum1. If ul give it means tat sum1 is truly special1 4 u, if nt it means tat special1 is just a sum1 4 u.......
Nate Bastin RT @Agent_M Happy bulldog on trampoline. U can't NOT smile
BULLDOG ON A TRAMPOLINE!!!! “ via thefrogman: “ “” ” Everyone loves a trampoline. “ “” ” [video via Bunny Food] ”
Carolyn Arroway love my life,my little family i have they are greatest,funniest 3 men in the world and i wouldnt ask for anything else,dont ever kyle all set with the right shoe on his foot now haha,love ya bud....thanks sandy(mom) for takeing wash in and waiting for everyone to get home...its nice and quite right now,so it me time..everyone have a good day,Love u Randy,kyle and dustyn :)
Danny Summerfield You kno your life's fucked coz your at home watching Jeremy Kyle knowing u will be on the same show down the line sumwhere
Khipley d'ThirteengettReal otu'Reliyeffunyastylee Ak lega,dengn semua pejjelsn mu,.. ak bahagia,bsa meliki cewk seprt mu,..u sllu sabr dlm mehdpi sifat ku yg sangt egois,.. Maaf'n ak yg mendh mu yg tidk2,..
ak sayng bangt ma u,.. | <3<3
Joann Farrar When u carry a Bible, the devil gets a headache. When u open it, he collapses. When he see's u reading it, he faints. When he see's u living it , he flees. And just when ur about 2 re-post this, he will try & discourage you. I just defeated him. Like, Copy & paste if ur in God's Army
Ineth Yoe Sometimes u seems like a playboy ._____.
Rachel Morris Lord I tell ya ppl be careful who u sit around & talk about because you jus might b talking to sum 1 aunt about their niece helloo somebdi
Xubair Khan I wish moon always be full nd bright!!!
U always be cool nd right
whenever u go to switch off the light
Remember that i am wishing u
Lina Tello R.I.P for my cuz in Mexico seriously ppl the world needs to make a change all these cartels need to really look at life n see how they effect families and killing kids is the worst prayers go out to my aunt I'm sorry aunt I love you n cuz I know u suffered all your life and now hopefully u rest in peace wow never felt this before I can't believe it :'''''(
Emprëss Lysh Wa Alvo Respekt to al t hustlas in t streets....respeq goes out to u.
LaToya LuvnLoyalty White GM FBF Im thnkful that God saw fit 2 allow us 2 see just another day. He has kept us. 2day is gonna b a gr8 day Lord I trust u 2 do wht u do always. U supply all my needs & Im n the place Im n b/c u r preparing me. I shall smile & live oh & luv My Life b/c if I dnt who will :)
Mir Nayeem Love is like quicksand, the deeper u fall in the harder it is to get out!!!!!
Mary J Idris Wow its not easy to organize a picnic but Thank God. Pls my lovely friends u are all invited to the first picnic of UNIQUE ACHIVERS LADIES. Come and celebrate with us.
Anu Ahmed When u r in luv u can't fall Asleep bcoz reality is better Then your Dreams............
Kuzman Novak „Grad Split na svaki način svakodnevno dokazuje da više nije grad nego predgrađe mjesta Ogorje u općini Muć. U takvom propadanju gradskosti i urbanosti sve je moguće: zaboravljanje povijesti pa i toga da je Split Dioklecijanov grad. Uskoro će se možda zaboraviti i da je Split uz more, pa će se s razglednica to more izbrisati, a ostaviti samo grmlja i brda“, ljutito će Mani Gotovac
Sandy Waldroup My baby girl is 25 today. i just want her to b 5 again for a day so i can put her n my lap & make her world safe, happy, no worry plc just for 1 day again! i love u candice!
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