Shenika Green if being full figured is such a disgrace. Honey, I’m cute in the face, and I’m thick in the waist. I look good whether I’m in cotton, leather, or lace. I’m beautiful, vibrant and above all, smart! And there's more to me than my weight, I also have a big heart. Yes my clothes maybe a bigger size, that just means you have access to a bigger prize. We all are not self-conscious about our weight, and we never have a problem getting a date. So don’t think your small frame gives you more pull, I’m a hot, sexy, curvy woman with a figure that's full :o) Re-post if your a curvy girl and proud to be!!!
Michael Schoonover Paid rent and truck payment lol now I'm broke lol o well pay day every Friday now thank you wife
Sandra Mello Uma Questão de Escolha
O coração anda no compasso que pode. Amores não sabem esperar o dia amanhecer. O exemplo é simples. O filho que chora tem a certeza de que a mãe velará seu sono. A vida é pequena, mas tão grande nestes espaços que aos cuidados pertencem. Joelhos esfolados são representações das dores do mundo. A mãe sabe disso. O filho, não. Aprenderá mais tarde, quando pela força do tempo que nos leva, ele precisará cuidar dos joelhos dos seus pequenos. O ciclo da história nos direciona para que não nos percamos das funções. São as regras da vida. E o melhor é obedecê-las. Tenho pensado muito no valor dos pequenos gestos e suas repercussões. Não há mágica que possa nos salvar do absurdo. O jeito é descobrir esta migalha de vida que sob as realidades insiste em permanecer. São exercícios simples... Retire a poeira de um móvel e o mundo ficará mais limpo por causa de você. É sensato pensar assim. Destrua o poder de uma calúnia, vedando a boca que tem ânsia de dizer o que a cabeça ainda não sabe, e alguém deixará de sofrer por causa de seu silêncio. Nestas estradas de tantos rostos desconhecidos é sempre bom que deixemos um espaço reservado para a calma. Preconceitos são filhos de nossos olhares apressados. O melhor é ir devagar. Que cada um cuide do que vê. Que cada um cuide do que diz. A razão é simples: o Reino de Deus pode começar ou terminar, na palavra que que escolhemos dizer. É simples... - © 2003/2011 - todos os direitos reservados
Marcia Berta Zucula " o problema nao é fazer dinheiro, o dinheiro é que é o problema" Trio Fam... Eles estao de volta, a partir das 19h sai o novo mixtape... Entrem em sites d hiphop e adiraw é free... Bj
Terron Holmes Thnkn abt my granny, been thnkn abt her alot lately, o how i miss her.......:(
Fabrício Brasil Barreiros Pedindo para que o ano termine logo!
Marcelo Chelles
Mas vocês não tem criatividade?
Jac Mattioli Finalmente acabou o tempo em que eu dormia mais no trem do que na minha cama.
Nampo Madzibaba Bernard Kana ga motho a apolaela setsha sa bonno wa bo a na le matsana a go ka aga but if land board e tsaya dingwaga go baa motho kopa eo, o feletsa a ja madi ao morago a palelwe ke go aga!!! Landboard members please hear our voice
Alemrac Sanera I still need him so i dont know why we let each other go :'o)
Geambazu Cristi Un barbat cu nevasta lui jucau golf. Loveste sotul mingea cu crosa si... ghinion ... mingea sparge geamul unei case de la marginea terenului de golf. Se duc sotul cu sotia sa vada care e paguba si le deschide un barbat mare, inalt si gras. Sotul incepe sa isi ceara scuze, ii ofera niste bani dar asta zice:
- Eu trebuie sa va multumesc. Vedeti voi.. mingea a spart geamul, a intrat in casa si a spart lampa asta in care eu stau inchis de 1000 de ani.Eu sunt Duhul Lampii si fiecare dintre noi 3 poate sa isi puna cate o dorinta.
Sotul zice:
- Eu intotdeauna mi-am dorit lantul meu de reasturante.
- Se face, zice duhul.
- Si eu intotdeauna am vrut sa am lantul meu de saloane de frumusete, adauga si nevasta.
- Nici o problema.
- Dar tu Duhule, ce iti doresti? intreaba sotul.
- Pai vedeti voi... asa cum ziceam... am stat inchis de 1000 de ani in lampa si tare mi-as dori sa am si eu o femeie, asa ca eu vreau sa merg sus cu sotia ta si sa facem sex timp de 3 ore.
Astia ce sa faca? Pentru ca fiecare a obtinut ce a vrut, sunt de acord si Duhul urca cu nevasta in dormitor in timp ce sotul ramane jos sa se uite la televizor. Dupa 3 ore, sotia si duhul coborau scarile.
- A fost absolut uimitor, ii zice sotia Duhului.
- Mda... De fapt ceea ce este absolut uimitor este ca sotul tau inca mai crede in duhuri din lampi....
Arthur Murray Silver Spring It's Dance O Rama! We hope everyone is having a fabulous time!
For the rest of us, don't miss out on some awesome group classes tonight:
7:00 Bronze 1 Foxtrot,
7:00 Newcomers Foxtrot & Swing,
7:45 Practice Party,
8:30 Pre Bronze Club Swing & Cha Cha.
Please note: The WC Swing Boot Camp is rescheduled to the 16th.
Boni Cottrill So glad its Friday! :o)
Tiffany Saunders O Friday how I love yu<3'(:
And happy birthday to my bestfriend Tony <3 have an amazing DAY!
Manda Lee Quinones Gud morninq fb... Weekend started o boy time for the hores to show they drunk as ku hahaha js
# i <3 jayden
Heni Kodatsky Santa Parade Tomorrow !!!!!! :o) - Mikulas Felvonulas Holnap !!!!!! :o)
Helena Rodrigues A época festiva aproxima-se, principalmente a passagem de ano que é sempre tão carregada de exageros a nivel de consumo de álcool. quem se quiser "enfrascar" por favor não corra riscos desnecessários. quem conduzir não beba. cada um faz o que quer à sua vida, mas não tem que prejudicar pessoas inocentes que pode encontar na estrada.
conseqüencia do pecado, beber e dirigir jamais
Rana Jazzy AaJa AyE BaHaR .......
DiL hAi YoUn BeKaRaR........
O mErAy RaJkUmAr ................
TeRaY bIn RaHa Na JaYeEeEe................
Jean Nunes Tinha um vendedor d amendoin, mto preguiçoso e só vendia em frente d uma igreja. Qdo o padre dizia amém ele gritava "DOíiíns
Edgar Dorian Estudando*
Hoje: Prova de Quimica com a professora "Jay"
Preciso tirar 1,5 pra passar na matéria
que venha o proximo semestre !
Michael LaMar Jenkins OK! What is your favorite "Christmas Song".....lets em! Mine is " O Come, Emmanuel"......Love that song!
Chidiebere Okpara Am blessed, §o Ɣøû noing ♍ƺ is Ɣ☺ΰя luck **#onpoint#**
Atilola Jubril Olamilekan Life o na
Ga ga
(plz read if u truely love the Prophet)
Suddenly, there was a person said salaam "may I come in?" he asked the permission to enter.
But Fatimah (the daughter of Prophet) did not allow him to enter to the room. "I am sorry. My father is ill" said Fatimah turned back and closed the door.
Fathima went back to her father who had opened his eyes and asked Fatimah "who was he my daughter?"
"I don't know my father, it is the first time i am seeing him". Fatimah said gently.
Then, Rasoolullah looked at his daughter with trembled look as if he wanted to reminisce about every part of her daughter's face. "Know one thing! He is who erases the temporary pleasure; He is who seperates the companionship in the world. He is the angel of death (Ezraeel)" said Rasoolullah.
Fatimah bore the bomb of her cry. Then, Rasulullah ask his daughter to allow the angel of death (Ezraeel) to enter.
The angel of death (Ezraeel) came toward him. But Rasulullah asked why Jibriel did not come along with him. Then, Jibriel was called. Jibriel was ready in the sky to welcome the soul of Habibullah and leader of the earth.
"O Jibriel, explain me about my rights in front of Allah?" Rasulullah asked with weak voice.
"The doors of sky has opened, the angels are waiting for your soul. Paradise opens widely waiting for you" Jibriel said. But, in fact, those all did not make Rasulullah relieve, his eyes were still full of worry.
"You are not happy to hear this news?" asked Jibriel.
"Tell me about the destiny of my people in the future?"
"Don't worry O Rasulullah. I heard Allah told me; I make paradise haram (forbidden) for everyone, except the people of Muhammad", Jibriel said.
It became closer and closer, the time for the angel of death (Ezraeel) to do his work. Slowly, Rasulullah's soul was pulled. It was seemed that the body of Rasulullah was full of sweat. The nerves of his neck became tight.
"Jibriel, how painful this sakarathul maut is?" Rasulullah uttered a groan slowly. Fatimah closed her eyes, Imam Ali sat sat beside her, bow deeply and Jibriel turned his face back.
"Am I repugnant to you that you turned your face back O Jibriel?" Rasulullah asked the deliver of Wahi. "who is the one who could see the Habibullah in his Sakaratul Maut" Jibriel said.
Not for a while, Rasulullah uttered a groan because of unbearable pain.
"O Allah, how greatest is this sakarathul maut. Give me all these pains, don't to my people". The body of Rasulullah became cold, his feet and chest did not move anymore. His lips vibrated as if he wanted to say something, Imam Ali took his ear close to Rasulullah; "take care of the salaat and take care of the weak people among you".
Outside the room there were cries shouted each other, Companions held each other. Fatimah closed her face with hands and, again Imam Ali took his ear close to Rasulullah's mouth which became bluish.
"Ummati, Ummati, Ummati. - my people, my people, my people". And the life of the noble prophet ended.
Could we love each other like our prophet muhammad?
Allahumma salli alaa Muhammadhin wa 'alaa aale Muhammadh.
(O Allah, bestow peace be upon Muhammad and his descendants).
Allah knows the best whether this is true or not. But I just found the above story in
May Allah forgive me if this is wrong.
(Simply Share on ur wall & earn Rewards)
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