Makgethwa Mankge hy guys, going to mpumalanga in a putcobus pray 4 me plz so dad i can arive safely, we al know dad they r not safe.
Ebony Oh'so Flawless Oooh I love the way he do it cuz he do it sooo well hmmm... ;)
Cesare Filippi nofx... kinda feels like right, in these days I mean. :)
NOFX performing an acoustic set in front of Los Angeles City Hall during OCCUPY LA on Sunday November 27 2011. Fat Mike said he wrote this song as a theme so...
Karen Orman Strickland Thanks again everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes. I am truly blessed.
Joshuahaha Luvsjoking Lee If you think I'm cute ---> Like my status
If you think I'm nice ---> Comment on this status
If u ever liked me ---> Poke me , I won't tell (To my Pokers who always pokes me, This isn't counted :b)
If you like me now ---> Inbox me a :) , I won't tell
If you want to date me ---> Inbox me a ♥ , I won't tell
If you are brave ---> You'd put this as your status
Gracie Montemayor Being a young mom means we met a little early...but I get to love you a little longer. Some people said my life ended when I had a baby... but my life went on. You didn't take away my future... you gave me a new one♥ Repost if you're a proud mother and what age you had them..17,19,25,27....
Barbara Doner Watching the National news this morning. The Wind Storms in Calif, Co. Utah etc. were all broadcasted, (yes and there were bad) But nothing About New Mexico.....Oh I forgot were are not one the 50 States
Ahmed Aja Zarma I lyk 2 tank god 4 shown us dis beautiful day en i lyk 2 ask god 2 giv us more as he can
Partha Ray Sleep sleep and sleep...that is only what I require here !!!
Ascension TheAssassin Jdgaf fuck love.....when i feel its neccesary then im for it....
Elizabeth Leininger So i got woke up an hour ago stupid samuel he should know mexico is like a hour or 2 ahead of new mexico well we had an interesting onversation and i don't know wut to think or do ugh
Chicks On The Right Oh, Alex P. Keaton. How I miss you so...
~Daisy :-)
Alex explains what tax is. How to stop the monsters? Call republicans! Family Ties
Deanna ZayMom' Neverson I Really Woke Up Still Think'n , Like Damn & The First Person To Pop In My Head Was My Sis Syherah (R.i.p) Man Sh't Gett'n Too Crayy Bout To Strt Cutt'n Ppl Off !
#Tired :/
Rosalinda Reynero TGIF.I hate dis rainy weather especially when I have 2 be in a meeting with my oldest sons principal jaja anyways I hope every 1 has a great n safe wknd lol
Tina Welch-Simonson My grandma passed away on 12-2-11. she is now with her dad, mom, and two of her kids. R.I.P Grandma i love u and will never forget all the good time we spent with u
Vishnu Vijayan I Love You Too Dear...
Andy Mcloughlin just won Jack Daniels beer fridge in shape of a barrel,at me local, fuk yeah, it's not bloody small eva,happy camper, things r look'n up 4 me, must b kama, i try 2 help others when i can, spread the love people
Sechaba Thapelo Bacha I wana do a tatto on my ass
Justine Robbins This no power this is officially old! How am I suppose to style my hair with no electricity!!!!!
Pochchhy Khy Last month, I was broke, and this month I'm gonna broke again. >.<
Chew Bay Mane Im on my ish I deserve to get throwed!!sn: oweee yu get on my nerve ion f*** wid yu but F*** wid yu!!! Guess I'm stuck wid yu!!!
Antonio Rivers Itz been 6 yearz G Ma, Itz not a day dat goes by that I do not think about u Queen I love You!!!!! I also wonna say Happy b day 2 my lil niece and my grandpa Blake!!!
Mkhokheli Nkomo I would like to take this moment to thank all of you who decided to stop doing their own things and send me a birthday message, it made me feel great and good. May all the blessings you wished for me also shower your own lives. May the Lord of blessings bless you in Christ Jesus. Have a good day.
Amien Addick How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it’s burned
Facing time always on my mind
I have so much to say but you’re so far away.. <3 <3
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