Kim Shough Along with the fact that the weather outside provides the perfect snuggling conditions, I thought that I would post an update on Jen. So that I would not be violating HIPAA, I had already asked her permission before divulging information about her health. She has informed me that she not only does not mind others knowing, but also has appreciated others praying for her up to this point. We are still awaiting more lab results and of course, hope that they are normal. We do know that she is deficient in vitamin D and has been given a prescription for it- once a week for 12 weeks. Vitamin D deficiency can cause fatigue and muscle weakness, along with some other serious physical disease in the human body. We do not know at this point, what else has been going on in her body. We know that she had been dealing with a bad sinus infection that caused her to feel run down, but because she collapsed at work and was just so exhausted, having a headache that lasted over a weak, accompanied by a low-grade fever, tingling in extremities as well as muscle weakness, extreme thirst (first time I had ever seen someone so desperate for water ) that, along with some difficulty breathing, sent us to the E.R., some nausea, excessive hunger ( the hunger was only for a limited time ) having to get up to go to the bathroom a lot at night, we were told to see an Endocrinologist. Her primary care doctor had already told her that she feels that Jen has been suffering from Post Infectious Disease Syndrome ( meaning that her body had contracted a viral infection in addition to the bacterial infection, and it had gone unchecked and that the virus had caused her body to become run-down. She treated Jen for the remaining sinus infection and told her to do some things to boost her immune system. She told Jen that it could take her body from six weeks to six months to fight this. But because she began to manifest new signs and symptoms ( mentioned earlier ) the E.R. doctor ( two of them, actually) told her that he thought that she should see an Endocrinologist. So, that is what we did. We have had great physicians, and are thankful for their knowledge. Jennifer is feeling better lately, but not completely normal as far a her energy level is concerned, but she is feeling better. She is supposed to go back to work on Monday. Glucose Tolerance tests and other blood work was done yesterday ( 14 full vials of blood ( before the 75 grams of glucose ) and then a couple of other vials ( one each hour ) after the glucose was ingested. Many other tests have been done ( Jen felt that every bit of blood had been " sucked " out of her ) in addition to the glucose test. Poor thing! She has had a rough go of it, but as mentioned earlier, she is getting better!:) We love our sweet friends and so appreciate your love and prayers for Jennifer! We will keep you posted. Love to you all!:)
Toni Thompson Hurt Thankig Godfor this special day this special day it is both my mothers' birthday and my granddaughters' birthday both whom I love very much. Happy birthday moma I love you so much and happy birthday Jeny Nana love you more than words can say
Roxy Snyder i hate this class. so much.
Tuttie Luvn Jus You Scream'N 4rm Da Top Of My Lungs 4rm Elm St. 2 Da BackRoad 2 Say Happy Birthday 2 My Lil Brother! I Luv U:) N Wish U Many Many Many More!
Franklin Cornstalk I have a good heart, u have a good heart! Let us stand next to each other n see if the beating, the drumming will move OUR mts.
Thabo St Vox I said Vinni da Vinci ko La Sofa.
Matthew Biggar Took me until 3 AM, but I got my paper done. I think my first mistake was trying to use a keyboard to write it. Philosophy is one of those topics that can only be properly written with a shovel and a bottle of arsenic.
Craig Felos One day I wanna copy someone's status word for word and see if they notice.
Jamie Mcnair Would u believe me if I told u the snow is starting to stick on the ground
Darrell Mobley if i new i was goin to jail i would have fuck my attorney lol
Tanundorn Veang Tov nov with ke ber sin opsok reu mean prolem ber sin kmean smar joot tear som nik dorl me ban te.. Tngai na deal u khoch 70 jong oy u remember tok tha "I still use old number"
MV from Dan Beam the Album 1
Vickie Davis Happy Birthday to my babyboy who is 18 today.. . Michael Thornton I love you son have a wonderful day
Byamukama R-Scar Rashid When im a lone in my room some times i stare at the wall n smile.
Nicole Kariuki I kep on admiring dis male tutor,evrytym he gvs aut a cat hes appy wd ma wak,am l breaking da rules?am l a bad pupil?l thnk yng handsome tutors shd nt b....,wadles
Tammy Houser-Wildman I must have ESP cuz i see a nap in my future
Dora MusicProdigy Dowdell Good morning all I hope everyone has a blessed day :)
Kip Grey This is one of my new favorite sites, even though I didn't get an answer to my question, "When a woman says she's looking for someone tall, dark, and handsome, is that racist?"
Yo, ask me if something is racist and I'll tell you. If it's absolutely necessary for you to know, I'm not white. From the mind that brought you
Karen McClain Well, 34 years ago today at exactly 5:50pm on a Friday, I had the most wonderful experience of my life. I gave birth to my first son-a perfect, blue eyed, blonde haired, beautiful baby boy who has grown up to be an amazing young man! We are so proud of you and the person you have become! You are a wonderful son, a great husband, and an awesome Daddy. I can't believe how fast the years have gone by. We love you so very much! Have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Michael McClain!!!!!
Anthony Aguilar I miss you too Amber..Hope all is well
Grenda Mweni It is finishd,the battle is over.hop mate wil nt change his markin key.1 more challenge en am dan,lolojih here i com....
Josie Silvas Post this if your Dad is, or was, a hard working man, and is your Hero, has helped you as much as he could no matter how good or bad you were, and is just the best Dad ever; if you are blessed to still have your Dad, or if he is waiting for you in heaven, paste this to your status and let everyone know you are proud of your Dad. You can replace a lot of people in life, but you only have ONE Dad.. And remember anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a DAD.... I love you dad!
Justin Anderson ALL GUYS NEED TO READ THIS. -When she pulls away, pull her back. -When you see her start crying, just hold her and don't say a word. -When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind. ... ... -When she's scared, protect her. -When she steals your favorite hoodie, let her wear it. -When she says that she loves you, she really does mean it. -When she grabs at your hands, hold hers . ...-When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold. -When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does. -When she's mad, hug her tight and don't let go. -When she says she's, okay don't believe it. -Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her. -Treat her like she's all that matters to you. -Watch her favorite movie with her even if you think it's stupid. -Don't talk about other girls around her. -Kiss her in the pouring rain. -When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is: "Whose butt am I kicking, babe?" Guys: re-post this if you will do this. Girls: re-post this if you would love a guy who does this. ♥ (:
#Stolee Fromm everyone(;
Keo Sak Visal where is my love ????? when i will meet my tru love ? i need love but dont know when ican like my friend !
Redrick Gromov I want to breathe smoke.
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