Titiek Isdiarti soon I will fly....meet u my honey bunny....si gundhul, si tembem, si usil, si tomboy, si cengeng.....weeeeeh lima rek enthik e .....wait for grenmak!!!!!
Abayomi Williams if u don't risk anythin,you rike even more.
Nchindo Kalulwe Ilyabutale some friends are there to distroy u, not all who smile are happy this is bad friendship
Joseph Hernandez While u sleep, I grind! Back to the money!
Leah Sesi Simelane Making wrng decision abt lyf lookng back wishng 2 change thngs bt cnt.just go wit the flow and enjoy wat u hav nw
Mohamed Ezzat Finding a job is like finding a Bride, u always searching for the better for u , the most matching with ur personality , the one u r dreaming of, and when u stuck with a bad one u feel that u deserve more and better. There is even office help u to find agood one which matches with u ' bride and a job too ', some times even people get 2 jobs its like marrying 2 women, about ME ACTUALLY I WANA GET DIVORCE. :D
St Hunadi Chukudu for an 'interligant' person wich u claim 2 be! U sure are having a hurt time reading between the lines.... Suck it up and move the fuck on! *crinch*
Tony Fennemore Santa claus u c**t...........lol
Levi Verbowski I just wanted this girl to know yeah uk who u r that i would never hurt you and that i would do anything to make u smile..
Jusuf Kljuco poštovani! Došlo je vrijeme da se pogledamo u oći i kažemo jesmo li ili nismo za našu stranku, koje smo pokrenuli ja i Atif, nisam dobio od vas nikakvu inicijativu ko bi mogao da bude kandidat na slijedećim izborima pa predlažem da vaš kandidat bude Atif Turčinhodžić, a vas molim da razmislite i oni koji imaju cips ličnu kartu da oni koji to nemaju a smo prićaju a ništa ne preduzimaju da izvade ličnu kartu da bi mogli da glasaju i spase Banja Luku.
Wanzi Moeketsi Magesh De past is not important anymre,u 've got 2 shake de memories of what "WAS"!take step n luk 2 de future
Alex Mapaila am off 2day and ke laboraro e sokiye bjalo u no wht am drinking now guess jameson wth ice ke nyka go tagwa ka spiti 2day keyetsele ke kgone go tsoga ke blueroom ka di nako nyana
Yhurie Fortalejo GOING OUT...
im TIRED...
i LoVE U dC sxEtE
TurfNoize (@HYPHofTURFNOIZE) - Jack Boyz. Stream this track live at Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes and review it for placement on the next Coast 2 Coast Mixtape!
1-No/less watching of tele.
2-Daily Qur'an recitation.
3-Reading a page daily of de subject on ya time table/any other buk(even if u are a in skul/grad.)
4-2/more daily Rak'at n a salaty to de prophet be4 bed.
5-Fast on Mon n Thursdays.
Isabel Bello Being in a relationship is like living in a world of fantacy,geting married is facing reality.so which do u prefer?
Deepak Raghav | Sad mother was sitting with her Son |
... Son : You are the 2nd most beautiful women, i have
ever seen.....
Mother : Who's first ??
Son : Its also you but when Smile ^_^
Love Ya Mom ♥ ♥ "
like iv u like it ♥
Rico Waters Dont feel like goin to work ! Smh #lms if u dnt feel like goin to work !
Anthony Samson de Luna A REPOST due to a friend's request....need prayers so bad right now.!!!! Hope someone cares. If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange ways.
Othuke Chykins Did u Miss Me?
PawPaw Weetbix Weetra We finally on poxy Adelaide geez I hate this place nothing but trouble... Who eve got beef wid me step to me b4 leave this shitty town im for U Sabrina u better not cross my path lor u going Down like a sack of shit... Can't wait to see you in finished business
Dinesh Valecha Why do d ppl say dat luv is lyk a butterfly?Coz u need 2 keep buttering ur luv othrwise it will fly.. :)
Denise Wise Phillips Day 30 Im thankful for this being the last day of the month ..Im thankful for my tiny fish that greets me every morning and for the FB friends that keep me up to date on all the latest things...Love u all...........
Joyce Brauer I am so glad that everything is ok!;(i can't stop crying now because i never expecting more when i ask u and then u answer my prayer more than i ask...God u r so good to me and thank u for the blessing u've all given to my life,,,
Shubha Ban Love in class :-)
GIRLS WAY: A girl sitting on the 1st bench turns her back and see the boy sitting on
last bench and say ...
BOYS WAY:- Before the boy could see his girl entering in the class all his friends
start.... "VAI,VAVI AARELEI HE " :D
LIKE N CMNT If u Like :P
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