Cedrick Alex Cejalvo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lReJuxI7z-o&feature=relmfu
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Johane Sifo Iv heard bottling up yr filings wil make u no gud,bt cos u heartaches..so truth b told,mpatleleng motho hleng,ha ho mnate ho tsheya o le mong altyd
Mg Jayrel Misa Piala "Para sa mga kaibgan ko" kaibgan tila yata mtamlay ang iyong pkramdam at ang ulo mo'y sa ka2icp ay tila nagu2luhan,,..qng ang prblma mo o suliranin ay lgi mong didibdbin,ay tatanda kang bgla pag 2mulo ang luha hahaba ang mukha at ikw lng ang kwawa....
Shg Ismaddoha আজ থেকেই শুরু হোক সকল স্বৈরাচার রক্ত চোষক বুর্জ্যুয়ার বিরুদ্ধে চেতনা ও অর্থনৈতিক মুক্তির বিজয় সংগ্রাম । শপথ নিই এখান থেকেই ......।আজ রাত ১২টার পর থেকে সবার প্রফাইল পিকচারে জাতীয় পতাকা দেখতে চাই। এ আমার বিনিত আবদার ......।।
David Mazibuko Neva listen 2 ada pplz tendencies 2 b negative o pessimistic. Bcos they tke ur mst wandaful dreamz n wishz away 4rm u + d 1z u hv in ur heart. Bcos everythng u hear n read wl affect ur actionz! Ther4 always b positive n above al BE DEAF whn ppl tel u dat u cnt fulfil ur dreamz...
Vimbai Tale Gwara He drivez a company car,stayz at a company house bt am wrried kti myb by the end o ths year h wl b gven a company wife.
Christina Calhoun S/O to everyone who leaves "the rock" (Kadena) in December WHOOP!
Kehinde Ajose ose Jesu to fi ife re dami si.opolopo loti ku,ti won ti fi le bora,sugbon ohun oluwa ni nu anu re lo fi ife re da mi lati se ojo ibimi leni,ogo iyin ola lo ye o baba.thank u Jesus.
Kiran Maan Bsy o
Mella Agustine Makan bakso Ojolali. . .yeeeah,. :O MuanttapzZ..:
Lerato Moeko Ntate modimo wa tshepahala hleng...mtshepe o tla bona*exited*
Ion is in a relationship with Mărie.
Mărie is now in a relationship with Ion and other 26 people. (Popa Satului and other 24 people like this)
Mărie is attending the event "Mulsul vacii" (Vaca lui Mărie and Ion like this)
[Mărie is not really attending the event "Mulsul vacii". She is actually attending Vasile in the barn. Ion comes to see Mărie attending the "Mulsul vacii" event and finds out what is she actually attending]
Ion is now single.
Ion was invited to join group "Beţivanii satului"
Ion and other 20 people are attending the event "Beţie la crâşmă". (Crâşmarul likes this)
Ion set his status to: "supărat sunt doamne, iarăşi supărat"
Ion is now drunk and pissed on Mărie's Wall
Mărie finished attending Vasile.
Mărie set her status to: "Foarte obosită. Sper să mă pot trezi mâine să merg la biserică"
Vasile commented to Mărie's status "Eu nici nu cred că vin. Poate duminica viitoare"
Babele din sat are attending the event "Slujba de duminică" (Popa satului, Părintele Iosif, Cantoru' and Clopotaru' like this)
Beţivii satului missed the event "Slujba de duminică" because of it's interference with the event "Beţia de duminică" (The Devil 666 Satana likes this)
Popa satului and Popa Porno are now friends (The Devil 666 Satana and Clopotaru' like this)
Mărie set her status to: "La spovedit..."
Ion commented on Mărie's status: "Ce-i Mărie, te-o prins rusinea?"
Mărie also commented on her status: "Taci , Ioane că eşti prost"
Popa satului also commented on Mărie's status:" ) )" (Primarul satului likes this..)
Primarul satului added "şpagă" and "corruption" to his activities (Popa satului likes this)
Şefu de Post set his status to: "La primărie, la o vorbă cu primarul"
Primarul satului is now attending "Puşcăria".(Bebiţă săpunaru' and all his friends like this)
Mărie set her status to "Watching "fermier caut mireasă", so fuck off"
Vaca lu' Mărie exploded. (Ion likes this)
Mărie commented: "vaaaaiii...o murit vaca...am uitat s-o mulg...mă omoară tata când se întoarce de la crâşmă"
Popa satului also commented: "super, încă o înmormântare pe săptămâna asta" (Cantoru' and Popa Porno likes this)
Popa satului added "Praying" and "Porn" to his activities (Popa Porno and Părintele Iosif like this)
Popa satului, Părintele Iosif and Clopotaru' are now in a relationship and it's complicated. (The Devil 666 Satana likes this)
Popa satului set his status to "Zi de post, fiilor" (Babele satului like this; Beţivii satului dislike this)
Tata lu Mărie posted on Mărie's Wall: "Ce ai făcut cu vaca? Te omor"
Tata lu Mărie killed Mărie. (Ion and Popa Satului likes this. Vasile and other 25 people dislike this)
Tata lu Mărie is now attending "Puşcăria" along with Primarul Satului
Mărie is attending Hell (The Devil 666 Satana, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein and other 75 bilion dead people like this)
Vaca lu' Mărie is attending Heaven (Saint Peter likes this)
Josh Cuerdo NOOOO!);
R.I.P Patrice 'O Neil.
Carla Brito Do Prado "Ainda que a figueira nao floresca, ainda que a figueia nao de o seu o fruto, Eu me alegrarei em ti"O Senhor e meu pastor e nada me faltara! Obrigada pelo seu amor e pela abencoada vida que tenho!
Lexy Slim Lee SWägäliciøusnøøpyokumuye Trust me i no go use u play ten,ten.i no b small pikin o!
Oluwadamilare Emmanuel Johnson Have mercy upon me, o God, according 2 ur lovingkindness. According 2 d multitude of ur tender mercies.
John BRayden G Pwede kang mag-mahal ng sabay, pero aminin mo man o hindi, hindi mo sila pwedeng mahalin ng PANTAY.
Benjamin Temidayo SisQo I nid go v sum rest...i pray,i wake up nt to fill dsame way i waz...my head o
Shubham Vats O nadaan parinda !
GAR aa ja.my eye seen you.ab to aaja.
Queena Wood :D !! koobecaf thgindoog llew
o: siht ekil epyt ot evah llits i taht togrof tsomla i (((:
Alaba Jennifer How grt are ur works,o lord! How profound ur thoughts!
Jenna Poh Daw Minsan kasi, ang mga lalake, hindi naman talaga sila MAHINA o TORPE , di ka lang talaga nila type kaya ganun. ASSUMING ka lang kasi!
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