Jake Djohan Like and I'll do:
[] 10% ; ew
[] 20% ; gross
[] 30% ; errrr
[] 40% ; okay
[] 50% ; not bad
[] 60% ; you're alright
[] 70% ; you're pretty/beautiful
[] 80% ; cuteeee
[] 90% ; it's like daayyyuumm
[] 95% ; almost p e r f e c t
[] 100% ; perfect
You + Me + Room =
[] movies
[] go somewhere
[] cuddle
[] ;) get it on lol
[] hang out
[] eat lollies all night
If you kissed me I'd...
[] kiss you back on the cheek
[] be surprised
[] kiss back
[] ewww
[] hit you
If we walked home I'd...
[] hold your hand
[] push you in a bush
[] hop on your back
[] be like "well this is awkward"
[] talk
You should...
[] text me
[] talk more
[] marry me on facebook
[] make this your status so i can like it :)
Amin Uddin Jibon একটু সময় নিয়ে নিচের পোস্ট টি পড়ুন । আশা রাখি ভাল লাগবে......।।
এক লোক তার গাড়ি পার্ক করে এক ফুল দোকানে গেল। সেখানে তিনি তার মায়ের জন্য কিছু ফুলের অর্ডার দিলেন এবং ঠিকানা দিলেন কোথায় পাঠাতে হবে। তার মা তার থেকে প্রায় ২০০ মাইল দূরে থাকেন। সেখানে ফুলগুলো পাঠানোর জন্য বললেন তিনি। অর্ডার শেষে যখন গাড়ির কাছে আসলেন দেখলেন যে , ছোট্ট এক মেয়ে গাড়ির পাশে বসে কাঁদছে। তিনি জিজ্ঞেস করলেন কাঁদছো কেন? মেয়েটি বললো যে, সে তারা মায়ের জন্য একটি গোলাপ কিনতে চায়। কিন্তু তার কাছে টাকা নেই। লোকটি মেয়েটিকে দোকানে নিয়ে গেল এবং ফুল কিনে দিল। এরপর বললো যে, তোমাকে আমি নামিয়ে দিতে পারবো যদি তুমি চাও। মেয়েটি গাড়িতে উঠে বসলো। লোকটি জিজ্ঞেস করলো কোথায় নামবে? মেয়েটি কাছেই একটি কবরস্থানের কথা বললো। লোকটি কবরস্থানের কাছে নিয়ে গেল। অবাক হয়ে বললো, এখানে কোথায়! মেয়েটি কিছু না বলে গাড়ি থেকে নেমে নতুন একটি কবরের দিকে এগিয়ে গেল। ওখানে ফুলটি গেঁথে দিয়ে বললো,"আমি তোমাকে ভালোবাসি'মা'।" লোকটির চোখে পানি চলে আসলো। সে আবার আগের ফুল দোকানে গেল, তার অর্ডারটি বাদ দিলো এবং ফুলের একটি তোড়া কিনলো। এরপর চললো ২০০ মাইল দূরে মায়ের কাছে। সবাই মা-কে ভালোবাসুন। কখনো মা-কে কষ্ট দিবেন না। যতটা পারুন মা-য়ের সাথে দেখা করুন। কেননা এই মা-ই একসময় আপনাকে চোখে চোখে রাখতো। হয়তো সামনে আপনি চাইলেও এই মা-কে আর এক পলক দেখতে পাবেন না।
Chokhmah Yesod “There’s an old story about the person who wished his computer were as easy to use as his telephone. That wish has come true, since I no longer know how to use my telephone.” ~ (Bjarne Stroustrup)
Juli Dyer Richard and I are officially great-grandparents!
Jai Fagbure I sold my soul to the devil for 30 percent off
Dedra Knapp Herald Happy Birthday to my son, James!!!! You would have been 23 today. I know you are in heaven watching over your family and friends. I miss you so much, but I know you are walking with Jesus and you are no longer suffering. I love you.
Tani Budini I love me a great music video, favourite of all-time - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjAoBKagWQA
All is full of love bjork
Daniel Finn If I offered you £20k a year to use your own car (you can have 3p petrol money for the mile, but nothing for parking, wear and tear etc) to drive around and visit 10-15 people to wipe their arses, change their bandages and look after their health while being treated like a sub-human for 8 hours each day, would you do it? Oh not to mention that, if something goes wrong with one of your patients you can be held personally liable and go to court/face time in prison, and after your 8 hour day is finished, you are still required to spend a further 3 hours writing up your case notes. And you won't be getting any pay rises for at least the next five years.
Would you say yes?
All of a sudden your 9 to 5 office job looks like a sweet deal, eh?
Mathew Kehinde guide me 2 ur path oh lord dt i may av d strenght 2 glorified ur name.
Kelsey Pinto yeah no one text me or call me, my phones dead and i dunno where my charger is so inbox me bitchez
Charlotte Buchanan Mitchell I am up ready to spend some time with God then time to get ready for work I really love my job I am having to get used to the long hours. its been a while since I have worked like this but God is Good and I really do love my Job I am very thankful. love you all have a very blessed day
Caron Lyons White can't sleep, watching informercials, dreading the day I see someone in our local walmart in a "forever lazy"!! it will happen, its just a matter of time!!
Anthony Ranglong This poem is inspired by the beggar I saw yesterday in Kolkata.....
Seeing him flashes a venerable image
As he sits like a veritable sage.
My fancy transports him to Himalaya
Contemplating on the theme of Maya.
His white beard sweeps his folded legs
As he sits like a lucky king and begs.
His taut lips make a smile at the clinks
While I sense his senseless eyes as he blinks.
Misery invades me as he staggers
While I heave a sigh for beggars.
My coins have slipped into their bowls
But they are numerous like the fowls.
Oh City, can I stand to admonish you,
For these feeble lot in your sinew?
Sithembiso Zwane I miss the old me. Greatness is what purely defined me. A man of achievements.
Josh Marc Montajes Ejercito I wish i could grab petals from a cherry blossom tree...then close my eyes as i held them curled up; then blowing into the breezy blue night rush....just hoping you were mine..... :/
Nicole Pett I am up at 5:30 on a two hr delay day....come on, seriously.
Desiree' Gibson I have decided to go natural with my makeup today!I am not wearing any! lol
Guillermo Camacho At work...hope it gos by fast so I can get back in my bed...
Marc Anthony ft Tina Arena OST from zorro's mask
Lee Donald No eye contacts left! Blind as a bat! So if u see me in the passing today and I don't take u on, its not me ignoring u!
Suvinder Kaur Virdi ~ ATCHOO !!! .......٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶....... If you're allergic to bullshit, drama queens, mind games, liars and 2-faced people, keep this sneeze going ... I can't wait to see who'll re-post this .
Olatunji Alexandra Thank you Jehovah for the gift of life.many are dead many are denied of joy,some are living in pain. i have enough to say thank you baba.
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