John Eng EVEN the evil one himself seems SCARED !!!! Maybe we should THROW him into the midst of a GROUP of 99 % Occupiers !!!! hahaha
Karl Rove predicted the 2012 presidential race would be vicious, claiming the Republican candidate will face a harsh election battle thanks to President Barack Obama's "hard-nosed Chicago pols." The former White House deputy chief of staff for George W. Bush said Obama has "walked out on his daytime...
Pj Spb Suan TROLOLOL! WHEN U OPEN UR 2ND ACCT. (*feel too hot!) tas u saw a msg. . . tas u feel calm na dahil dun. . . tapos gettin' confuse ka na mamaya nyan guilty na tlga. . . xD
Hamid Raza Who Am I?
A Step When You Stop
A Touch When You Are Lost
A Word When You Are Quiet
A Smile When You Are Sad
A Friend Who Would Be There For U Forever (:
(friendship day sms for sisters)
J.m. Watson I'm really trying to search out for a literary agent. I've tried desperately to find one for the past few months ever since my original agent basically threw me to the sharks and said she couldn't represent me anymore. It's cool, though. I've found a couple and have sent query letters to them, hoping they are interested in representing me. I'm really wanting to find a new publisher, as well. I mean, PA is cool and all. But, there's just so much of a possibility for me to be successful as a writer, specifically; a poet. I'm working on developing this novel much more, and I don't think I'm going to turn it in to PA. I want to hold off to see what I can get from a better publisher. I can't say I have any regrets about publishing my poetry through the channels I've chosen, but I do not want to make the same mistakes with my first novel of fiction. That's for damn sure!
Raj Kanojiya Oh, the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person - having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.
अमृता जोशी A real story that happened in China
な�� �やマヌらは坂花やまあ傘話
間に魚玉� ��らはがやわまぁら花
や なたまやかあさらやわはさた
なはやなたきたなよ�� �いさは早
見たかあやバカにかわ鼻高� ��な
わ谷中あだ名はさな たかなあか
違い�� �耶
really a touching story.... mein toh
emotional ho gayi hon yaaron :-
Kaari Arnold ai äm sik . anna liisa änd kaisa just liivd . tei keim ova tu häv fan . bicas tei hädx a vaba tund . vi häd matz fan ai gess . okei bai .
Rosetta Stone UK 'Language is a part of our organism and no less complicated than it',
Ludwig Wittgenstein. What do you say to that?
Spencer Whiz Baleni Cant happiness just be a constant thing.
Lenz Simeon Lenz Simeon
It's been a couple of days that I didn't open my account here..
Fortunate Ndubane Talkin abt a past relationship doesnt mean you,re still stuck on it. Sometimes its a reminder not to screw up again # Lesson Learned!
Trish Perry well l thinking it,s time to have a shower then get my house work done .........mmmmmmmmmmmm or other way around dont no yet ...........
Brito Silia Ahahaaaa Jo Baby ta grande!!! Louvar a
Joel Rey Carcasona i have a lot of injuries at the moment, but I can't feel any pain. why am I so numb?
Godwin Usanga Imagine everyday 2 b d last of a life surrounded wit hopes, cares, anger n fear. D hour that comes unexpectedly wil b so much more d grateful....
Destiny Olson I need a gud man thats hard workin fun luvin and willing to give me alot of attention in every way! I knw im worth it and a gud women i just need a gud man to make me happy in every way! There that was realy pg 13 huh LMFAO thats new i think i better rewrite that lol
I watch how the moon sits in the sky on a dark night Shining with the light from the sun But the sun doesn't give the light to the moon assuming, The moon's ...
Alexander Just-Gutch Musokotwane a point were I cannot even understand my self...
Alinnah Stephanie bom dia a todos, refazer o trabalho de processo penal ouvindo um Amado Batista depois de rodar a city atras de peito de peru ?! Posso falar ??? Em momento algum tem preço kkkkkkkk #saidemim
Dibuseng Masiteng Tintfo tiyenteka shym yati syz 28-32 lol nw 4rm 32 bck 2 28 nd hei i lyk wearng 28 hmm wt a modeller
Kamlesh Gosavi A smile is like a Sim card
Life is like a cellphone
You insert the
Sim card of a smile ,
A beautiful day is
Activated …
Keep smiling
Gil Castillo Jr question of the day>>>> what is the mesure of a man?????
Pamala Palmer Thanks to the Word of Jah, we can list several marks of integrity that Jah would have us appropriate into our lives. Do u have these marks of integrity? An excellent attitude. Faithfulness and diligence at work. Personal purity of the highest caliber. Consistency in your walk with Jah. Self-examination is up to u. It is not only a good idea, it's a biblical imperative. If we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged.
Terri Wittman by the way...for those of you that really know me...know i work hours like this because i have 2 beautiful, awesome daughters that i love more than anything and that mean the world to me that i have to support n take care of on my own....i'd work 10 jobs, 24/7 if i had to, to give them what they need!!...the vacation would be nice but.....probly wont to dream about tho..... : ).... : ( leaven for work now, have a great day everyone! : )
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