Trayana Taylor about to call it a day....aww how i hate for this to end but you dont have to but you got to get the hell out of here.....
Susie Stout Life hurts those who try to do it all at once. You must remove a mountain by carrying away small stones.
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Math Magic
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Ricardo Agrella Last day of Movember and someone says to me at work "wow, see u growing a moustache".. FAIL!!
Examples Of Stupid Questions that People
1. When People see U Lying Down,
With Ur Eyes Closed,
they Ask:
"R U Sleeping?"
(No! I'm Trying 2 Die?)
2. When It's Raining&Some1
Notices U Goin Out,
they Ask:
"R U Going Out In this Rain?"
(No,In The Next 1.)
3. Ur Friend Calls on ur Landline:
"Where R U?"
(At the Bus Stop!)
4. They See U Wet Coming 4m the
"Did U Just Have A Bath?"
(No, I Fell In the Toilet Bowl !)
5. U R Standin Right In Front Of the
Elevator On The Ground Floor&
they Ask:
"Going Up?"
(No, No, I'm Waiting 4 My Apartmnt to Come Down&Get Me.)
6. U Bring A Bunch Of Flowers 4
Ur Sweet Heart, they Ask:
"R those Flowers?"
(No Baby! They R Carrots.)
7. U r On The Queue 2 Buy Tickets
at the Cinema, A Friend Saw U&
"What R U Doing Here?"
. (I'm Here 2 Pay My School Fees.) :P
Amara Kalbuadi I HATE INDO!!! Omg! Indo is the worst subject ever!! Y is it a core subject???
Floyd Clark Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works, behaves and changes their responds to situations. It alters ones state of mind and reasoning. It brings you to a place of vulnerability, where you are susceptible to influence. You are easily swayed and are left with regret and promises to yourself never to go down that road again. Only to find that drugs are a gang and by now they know your address and they coming for you, lest you get help from the Son.........Jesus is the Answer...Cyborg for life powered by the Son...
Efraim Thio Always smile... Bcause ur smile is a cure of my heart.
James Fitzsimons gotta say MW3 is the worst COD made so far. Campaign wise, its decent and it had its awesome parts. But the online, dont even get me started on that. Maps=SUCK. Guns=SUCK, you get killed before you can aim down your sights and alot of the guns are over powered. So what you added new guns and new perks, they are still all broken. Im really disappointed in Infinity ward. Id rater play a Treyarch game. I hope they dont make another one as shitty as this. Or, just dont make another one at all. Just give up. COD4 and MW2 were great. But this game. total shit.
Chariz Caraz all agustinian nurse who will takw da nursing licensure exam diz dec....goodluck guys....may god guide u...especially to my kas-a.....!!godbless guysssssssssssssss
Waseema Arendse No wonda it hot and cold im in town on a wednesday after a long time
Nicole Repsher wow our hamster is bein a bitch! she bit me earlier and she just bit randy too!!
9-10-11 R&N <33
Ben Sanders Chillin with a couple of canadians already polished off a carton of beer
Joseph Crossetti i wanna run up to a total stranger and jus kik tha livin shit outta there nutz duz that make me weird?
Steven Meeks jus gettin off work tired as hell. roll this blunt, take a bath, and go to sleep. HOLLA my people......................
Katie Berton Had a super busy day today converting oxygen into carbon dioxide..... finishing school is awsome. :D
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Many times dinner is the family meal that all gather and discuss what it is that has been going
on throughout the day. So maybe that is not so much the case anymore, but many people still
try to make it the main meal of the day. Dinner should at least be the most balanced of the
three meals even if it is not necessarily the family meal that everyone had envisioned it to be.
Trying to find a meal that is well balanced and able to provide enough substance to allow you to
sleep through the night and to not feel overly hungry when you are awake. Here is where you
will find a meal that allows you to sample a wide variety of foods from various food groups.
Here you will want to have a sampling of almost everything in order to be able to have a
complete meal. The meal does not have to be overly large just have variety.

Vijay Myagoti Hum Roz Msg Q bhejte hai?
Masti k liye?
Time Pass?
Hum mSg apne Desh k liye Bhejte hai
PADEGA INDIA Tabhi To badega India :)
G a:)
Casey Malish bored, so here comes another one of "those things". free pass to ask me any question you would like to know. send me a message in my inbox and i will answer truthfully.
Suleman Abigail Ur future has no room 4 d past',ur desting has no accommodation 4 ur history.if u allow yr past or history 2 'squat' wit u in d available space dat d future has provided,u stand d risk of experiencing a total collapse.ur future only has room 2 accommodate only one person(u)it cannot take u and ur past,ur history should n,t b given d chance 2 prevent d manifestation of ur destiny.there is no history so bad enough and so powerful enough 2 prevent d manifestation of destiny if it is n't permitted 2 do so.friends u must n't permit it in ur own life.

Wee Marquez What a kiss means....actually read the whole thing ♥ :) -Kiss on the stomach = Im ready -Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever" -Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything ... ... -kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends" -Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you" -Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together" -Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you" -Kiss on the Lips = "I love you" What the gesture means... -Ho......lding Hands = "we definitely love each other" -Slap on the Butt = "That's mine" -Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go" -Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain love you" -Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me" -Arms around the Waist = "I love you too much to let go" -Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you" --Advice-- -Dont ask for a kiss, take one. -If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love. --Requirements-- -Post this again after reading!! Or you will have a bad year of Relationships. If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now and can't get them out of your head then Re-post this within one Minute and Whoever you are missing will surprise you.
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