Wednesday, November 30, 2011

To the men of IndiaI add CHAD – Feel the shame of every humiliated sister the frustration of uneducated mothers and you may yet learn that you are incomplete without

Hamid Khayar Oumar Defallah
Hamid Khayar Oumar Defallah "To the men of India(I add CHAD) – Feel the shame of every humiliated sister, the frustration of uneducated mothers and you may yet learn that you are incomplete without your inner woman. Not that girl or boy you chase in life but the entire scope of emotion and intelligence that our species experiences will be yours. " Dr. Arvind Badrinarayanan
Tshepi P. Kím Gaolaolwe
Tshepi P. Kím Gaolaolwe i am goin to spend the whole of december wif ma lovd ones....heish its nyce to have a family!
Sid Magar
Sid Magar I hear the music The music is playing The music is soft The music is now fading The music is gone Which means so is my life No music means no life The music is gone Come back to me music The Music is begining I have a life The music is pretty The Music is wonderful Oh no The music is fading again I love the music The music is gone Good bye music
Hosea Yupz
Hosea Yupz M0m i miss u ... i miss ur hug ur kiss ur care ur s0 l0vely t0 me ,, ur the best m0m f0r me thank al0t's m0m ... I l0ve u m0m
Ben Colon
Ben Colon Never thought I'd say this but… I can't sleep. :( #lame
Roberta Aeschliman
Roberta Aeschliman Now heres some crazy shit. take the last two digets of the year you were born add your age you are this year. I bet the answer is 111
Karen Prichard Knowles
Karen Prichard Knowles Up early this morning for appointment with surgeon at 7:45 a.m. Will discuss ""return to work release"". Thanking God for a wonderful recovery over these 2 months. Also thanking my wonderful, loving, giving family members who were there every step of the blessed, I am.....
Nils Noa
Nils Noa I morgen på Månefisken!
Thursday, December 1 at 9:00pm, Månefisken
Mathew Mwangangi
Mathew Mwangangi am the blesssed mathew kaleli mwangangi....evry day has a meaning in my life,,,,i will go places but iwill not find wat sooths me past is a graet evidence of what the lord GOD is tio me......THE LORD LOVES US ALLL
Ybll Randy
Ybll Randy I wasn't born I was sketch then invented -Juelz Santana
Rajko Horvatek
Rajko Horvatek Konstantin Simonov Čekaj me Čekaj me, i ja ću doći, samo me čekaj dugo. Čekaj me i kada žute kiše noći ispune tugom. Čekaj me i kada vrućine zapeku, i kada mećava briše, čekaj i kada druge nitko ne bude čekao više. Čekaj i kada čekanje dojadi svakome koji čeka. Čekaj me, i ja ću sigurno doći. Ne slušaj kad ti kažu kako je vrijeme da se zaboraviš i da te nade lažu. Nek povjeruju i sin i mati da više ne postojim, neka se tako umore čekati i svi drugovi moji, i gorko vino za moju dušu nek šiju kod ognjišta. Čekaj i nemoj sjesti s njima, i nemoj piti ništa. Čekaj me, i ja ću sigurno doći, sve smrti me ubit neće. Nek rekne tko me čekao nije: Taj je imao sreće! Tko čekati ne zna, taj neće shvatit, niti će znati drugi da si me spasila ti jedina čekanjem svojim dugim. Nas dvoje samo znat ćemo kako preživjeh vatru kletu- naprosto, ti si čekati znala kao nitko na svijetu.
Chad Weirick
Chad Weirick i want something and i just dont know what it is i want
Crystal Milton
Crystal Milton I just heard on the news that it is 77 in Florida,I am thinking I need to move there.So dont want to get out in the cold,but ohwell here I go.
Portia Mothusi
Portia Mothusi Muti has never been proved scientifically 2 solve problems.but i heard ko marabi u can buy a lightining and sefola ka 2 rand they say ke combo.yooh ke nale ten rand ko reka a 5
Jayem Barabag Lajera Cruz
Jayem Barabag Lajera Cruz I keep myself busy with the things i have to do. But everytime I pause, I still end up thinking of YOU :))
Frank Loux
Frank Loux Anthony Caruso Many friends and relatives I know are in need of Prayer, I have friends and relatives at this moment going through various surgery's and illnesses. Never in my life have I witness so many in need of prayer. The old, the young, cancer victims, heart attacks, people falling, it just goes on and on. So much all at once. I request everyone set aside some time and ask the Lord for guidance and direction to heal these unfortunate friends and relatives. Thank you all! Thank God for our good health and Blessings.
Rolly Chowdhury
Rolly Chowdhury i just lurrve Saifu... he's so hot <3
Ashante Martinez
Ashante Martinez Is anyone awake i can get a ride from i need medical attention now.
Nathan Sims
Nathan Sims just got off a night shift i swear to god if they make me come in the office tomorrow its not gonna be pretty and ill probably get in trouble
Heather Mukondeleli-Buttercup Phophi
Heather Mukondeleli-Buttercup Phophi i never stop learning im loving the woman i am becoming. you are growing up Heather Mukondeleli-Buttercup Phophi


Motlatso Mosotho
Cynthia Witherspoon-Johnson
Cynthia Witherspoon-Johnson Father in heaven, I yield myself to You today. Search me and know my heart. Use me for Your glory. Let me be a beacon of Your love and light everywhere I go. Show me who to pray for and let Your healing virtue flow through me in Jesus’ name. Amen. — Joel & Victoria Osteen Saying a prayer for health and healing for my friend/classmate Kevin Harris, keep your head up Kev and know that God has his hands on you!!! Praying for Favor over your life!!!! Have a wonderful day everybody!!!!!


Velisa Chatman-Ward
Hayley Finnan
Hayley Finnan I diddnt leave, you pushed me away :/
Bonnie Hunter
Bonnie Hunter fuuuhhh.. reading all the messages on my shirt from year 12 was a terrible idea.. i miss last year so shitting much. shit.


Lintang Angkasa
Ashik Ibrahim
Ashik Ibrahim my wall is full of songs cuz i like 2 do wat like hope every 1 like mine music tq 4 all


Green Sri DamatacJeny Cheealexander CoolEdo Waykey LgijutexNanie D'Ajenk
Parvathi Ammulu
Parvathi Ammulu Dear Dad, no matter where i go in life.........who i get married to.......... hw much tym i spend with friends.............. hw much i might love any1.........u'll always b my no. 1 man.... you are the first ever man a girl can trust ... sincerly, ur little girl.......:). luv u Dad ♥♥♥♥♥♥ all the daughters who love their dad copy this 2 ur profile.

this is for noel madera i love you wwwyoutubecom Music video by Blue performing U Make Me Wanna When you're single people ask about gfbf When you have one they

Glorya Bautista
Glorya Bautista this is for noel madera i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Music video by Blue performing U Make Me Wanna.
Shwethu Kj
Shwethu Kj When you're single, people ask about gf/bf. When you have one, they ask if there's any future? When u have a fiance, they ask about your wedding... When u get married, they ask when will u have a baby? When u already have one, they ask when is a little brother or sister coming? When u get divorced, they ask why? If u moved on, they ask why so quickly? People will never stop asking...! If you're proud of who you are and you don't care about what people think about you, Paste it on your wall because it's YOUR LIFE and YOU alone should decide how to LIVE IT ;)
Hani Pretxy Palima
Hani Pretxy Palima ate Marigold Ausa i sent u a personal messAge. don't forget to send it to me this DEC. as u promised!! :P u forgot to greet me on mi bday soooo this is yer payment ahahahaha :D hey, u promised!!!! i'll be waiting. dec1 na ditey tom! don't break mi heart! i <3 u. take care there!
Manoj Mehta
Manoj Mehta proud of u,raaj
यदि हम आपसे पूछे कि सोनी टीवी के पापुलर रियलटी शो कॉमेडी सर्कस के प्रतिभागी कपिल, सुदेश कृष्‍णा, भारती और वीआईपी में क्‍या समानता है तो आप यही कहेंगे कि ये सब एक ही मंच पर परफार्म करते हैं। आज हम आपको इनकी एक और समानता के बारे में बताते हैं। इस समानता का नाम है राज शांडिल्‍य, जी हां पर्दे पर हम-सब क...
Michael Seay
Michael Seay I feel like a complaint department at work the people here complain all the time but i work a a sweepstakes center its not my fault u spent ur money i didnt tell u too
Amina Muhammad Bello
Amina Muhammad Bello D beauty of life is wen u luk around, u find ppl smilin, hapy wit u nomata d situatn evry1 IN.
Cheryl Marasigan
Cheryl Marasigan thank u po sa mga bumati at sa mga babati pa he2 godbless us
Robert Nicely
Robert Nicely u no wat it is
© 2007 WMG You Know What It Is [feat Wyclef] (video)
Nagisa Kobayashi
Nagisa Kobayashi スカイツリー、世界一タワーの耐震構造 成長ホルモンで背が伸びた宇宙時代のエッフェル塔のようにそびえ立つ東京スカイツリー。まだ建設中で、公式オープンは2012年5月の予定だ。 だが、2008年に着工し、高さが634メートルあるこの新たな日本のランドマークは、すでに大きな名声を手に入れた。今月、世界一高いタワーとしてギネス世界記録に認定されたのだ。 しかしちょっと待ってほしい。ドバイのブルジュ・ハリファがあるではないか。2010年に完成したこの超高層ビルの高さは828メートルにもなる。 ギネス・ワールド・レコーズ社の説明によると、たしかにその通りだが、ブルジュ・ハリファは世界一高い「建物(building)」なのだという。 東京スカイツリーは「タワー(tower)」であり、建物との違いは「利用可能な床面積が建造物の50%未満」であることだと、ギネス・ワールド・レコーズ社の広報担当アン・リーゼ・ラウス氏は言う。 この定義により、東京スカイツリーは、これまでの記録だった中国広東省にある広州塔の600メートルを抜き去り、世界一のタワーとなった。ラウス氏によると、新たな記録保持者に挑戦するタワーの建設予定は、現在分かっている限りではないという。 ◆日本の観光を活気づける? この世界一高いタワーの基部は三角形をしており、鉄骨が格子状に組まれた構造が上へと向かうにつれ筒状に変化していく。東京スカイツリーの第一の役割はテレビ、ラジオ放送の電波塔となることにある。 しかし東京スカイツリーには、多くの人々を集める観光施設としての目的もある。2011年3月の地震と津波で壊滅的な影響を被った日本の観光業にとって、願ってもないタイミングでの強壮剤となることが期待されている。 東京スカイツリーには、高さ350メートルと450メートルの2カ所に展望台が設置される。入場料はそれぞれ2000円と3000円。上方の第2展望台では、観覧者は世界一人口の多いこの都市を360度見渡せるガラス張りの「空中回廊」をひと巡りすることができる。 東京という地震の多い場所にスカイツリーが建てられることに疑念を抱く向きもあるかもしれない。しかし、このタワーの構造は、マグニチュード8.0の地震にも耐えられるという。 東京スカイツリーを設計した日建設計は、鉄筋コンクリートの円筒を「心柱」として使う制震システムをはじめ、建物の耐震構造を強調する。 ◆地震でも大丈夫? 東京スカイツリーの「心柱」は、日本の五重塔の建築に見られる伝統的な耐震技術に基づいて設計されており、地震の際にはこの心柱がタワーの外周部の揺れを相殺する働きをする。 ニュージーランドのビクトリア大学ウェリントン校の地震工学専門家アンドリュー・チャールソン(Andrew Charleson)氏は電子メールで、この種の制震装置は「突風による揺れの減衰にとくに有効で、地震の揺れを抑えることもできるだろう」と述べた。 「このタワーは大地震の際にも安全だと思う。高くて細いため、地震の間はゆっくりと揺れる。たとえば1回揺れるのに6秒もかかるようなこうした遅い振動は、地震そのものの揺れとはまるで周期が異なる」とチャールソン氏は言う。 言い換えれば、東京スカイツリーを訪れる観光客にとって唯一現実的に危惧すべき問題は、おそらくめまいに襲われるということだ。 by National Geographic
Set to open to visitors next year, Japan's Tokyo Sky Tree already has a lofty reputation. But how can it withstand seismic activity?
Udekwe Nkem
Udekwe Nkem U are blessed so dat u can bless odas.
Max Ked Appiah-Dreams
Max Ked Appiah-Dreams No matter wat happend btwn us,i wld neva wnt 2 see u Hurt#Mr.Dreams
Ronald Lawson Jr.
Ronald Lawson Jr. If u ^ about it go like juice lees status so we can c dis fight P.


Young FudgemackLavina Falaniko
Lèäh-vìv Stäcý Mìñjù
Lèäh-vìv Stäcý Mìñjù DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BOY & A MAN A BOY keeps a password on his cellphone while a MAN is confident enough to say "baby can u answer that for me"!! A BOY runs the streets & chill with his friends while a MAN is enjoying time with his woman planning ahead for their future! A BOY complains about spending too much time with his woman, a MAN plans vacations & getaways because he is wise enough to notice tomorrow isn't promised! A BOY has pride after arguments, a MAN has heart & emotions, A BOY beats on his woman, a MAN massages & caresses his woman! A BOY screams gold-digger for the simple things a woman want, a MAN screams unity! A BOY tells his woman all the things she does wrong, a MAN acknowledges his woman's hard work! A BOY tells his woman she is pretty, & a MAN tells his woman she is beautiful! A BOY will read this & think this is about him & a MAN will read this & thoroughly acknowledge what he needs to fix in his relationship.. #Be.Real


Mareldea KonjoreBryan Kevin OckhuizenDonna Stax FreemanTshepo Motswetla Tj
Marife Madeja
Marife Madeja ...not bcoz sum1 loves u , means they won't hurt u.. people lie; things change' bestfriend ditch' lovers cheat... thats life we live day by day learning dat trust is a fragile things to give' and the worst thing to break....
Obaa Adwoa Asante Kwayisi
Obaa Adwoa Asante Kwayisi U have money and so what? mtcheeeewww
Aniekan 'kalas' Eric
Aniekan 'kalas' Eric Na only 'u' i know o.....
Chandra Shekar
Chandra Shekar Plsssss, pls inform me if u know any walkins or job referals pls dnt forget
Michelle Franklin
Michelle Franklin R.i.p. George eddie jennings would have been 56 years old today he is missed so much not a day goes by that u are not missed I know u are in a better place but everrything around here is empty your memories remain around us everyday
Muna Gurung
Muna Gurung I miss u so much............ Thaha 6a malaini mis garnu vako 6a tapaile


Min TamangMuna Gurung
Eltee G-land Rups
Eltee G-land Rups Dec the last 4 u 2 receive u promse as t ws e yr of posesin e promse
Olawuyi Olusola Emman
Olawuyi Olusola Emman As today marks the end of November my GOD says that all the blessing dat has eluded me dis year will locate me as we look forward to entering d new month of dec. IJN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you believe n want same for yourself let me hear u shout the loudest hallelujah....
Gilbert Swilling
Gilbert Swilling Charm swill every session u c me repping\like tek9 n mack10 my lyrics leathel weapon\i spit smith n wesson bite any sentence get a lesthel njection my life bhindthe bars im spatin\got nothing to show xcept burns scars thats left n my daughter im destined threw my child a surviver\ran da streets so long chasin doe n aint tired like a drive by ima ryder\original done dotta of life rymers\knight industry two thousand nite rymer real nigga foe life ur mom n wife slidder\sexatizer dig deeper stretch her wider gotta keep a seat belt on cant 6e a reckless driver\i spit game spit when i aim rymes n syliva ima polo nigga i dont do gucci or prada i shine wit no shine on u cant c da watcher R.N.F.L. Like the ravens cuz steelers get notta
Nashad Bin Tanjid
Nashad Bin Tanjid Ghum theke utlam,cok khule dekhi u......
Katlego Kli Boy Nyarenda
Katlego Kli Boy Nyarenda Ladies this massage is for u:its that time again and season for all to reveal what u've got, if u dont work-out those 2nd stomach u have, it becames a problem for us guys. sori if u are offended but truth must be told. 4rm me Kli boy!!
Dread Headd Yummiiee
Dread Headd Yummiiee You have sex, no condom!! A girl gets pregnant and you deny her baby!! IF U KNOW U DIDNT USE ONE stop being whats between your girls legs NNd man df up!!