A year ago A girl named Kathy was hated by everyone. Everyone made fun of her. She was ignored. Even by messages.
One day she decided to kill herself. Beca......use..................... even her parents ignored her. She jumed out her window. No one noticed utill people started dissapearing. Kathy haunted them. She made them suffer like the way she did. She hung them slowly and stabed them over and over very slowly so they could suffer like she did.
If you don't send this message to 15 diffrent comments you will die tonight by Kathy. Because she considers it ignooring her.
Example 1:
Dave looked at the first sentece and said, "Spam" And the next day the neighbors found him in his backyard, dead.
Example 2:
Joane was alone. She didn't have kids or a husband. She had alot of friends. When She had a sleepover with them she quickly had to check her e-mail.She saw this message and sent it to only 6 people because she thought she couldn't die that night beacuse she was surounded by people. The next morning Joane's friends found her in her bathtub, dead.
If you don't send this, Kathy WILL find youMonday at 05:00
Donna Douglas I'm humbled to lead such a united community! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Brady, Mark E. Date: Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 4:10 PM Subject: FW: PGFD Commends Baden ES Relief Effort for Displaced Family To: "" Mark E. Brady Public Relation Manager/Chief Spokesperson/PIO Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department 9201 Basil Ct #452 L...
Mira a grandi altezze e riesce a raggiungerle, se non sarà incostante in tutto quello che fa. Ha talento per il lavoro e si sentirà molto a suo agio nel campo della letteratura e quello artistico. La possibilità di realizzare un'ottima carriera, anche dal punto di vista finanziario oltre che onorifico non toglie niente. Deve applicarsi interamente al proprio lavoro, e imparare ad essere cauto. Molto leale come amico e come lavoratore, ma può essere ostinato e antipatico dopo la prima parte della vita. E' un tipo costruttivo e può lavorare sodo per dare sicurezza a se stesso e alla sua famiglia. Ha bisogno degli altri e di una famiglia per riuscire, ma amerà molto viaggiare.
Thato Kanyeto Pulanyana e a bo e ne e sarasara yaanong ga rena go bona boroko ke modumo wa digogwane! Dika itumelela one marothodinyana ale!! Eish go nna mo mogobeng ruri,mxm!
Danella Cervasa It would be good if classifieds on my e mail would quit sendin g penis enlargement cream ads, I am a women, no penis here lol
Tim Lewandowski Just witnessed a school bus run a red light and smash a car's front! The people in e car look okay though.
@[110728249044862:274:Sinceridade e Ironia] Curte e compartilhe!
James Chiziane Mais um som inesquecivel.... Gune Nelson, Junior Bak Paker Magaia, Ivan Onofre Tembe heheheh Recordam??? Time das baggy Jeans e Air Force 1. hehehhehehe
Não sei se desabafo, análise, revolta ou simplesmente o editorial, mas Raquel Sherazade causou polêmica na TV ao falar sobre o carnaval. O próprio vídeo fala...
Asif Manzur Poor old Bob Holness - only been at the pearly gates for 5 minutes when Amy Winehouse stumbles past n says 'can i have an E please Bob!!' ;-)
Igner Wong aaaaaaggggghhhhhh sali fey mi mente!!! Dcn min por djis deletebo fe mi mente of stuff bo fe mi mente!?? Eynan e recuerdonan ta keda ripiti!!! :@ :(
Como uma mulher toma banho? Como um homem toma banho? De uma forma engraçada, esse vídeo mostra as diferenças entre homens e mulheres através da análise do b...
Luisaantonio Chan eh si.... pero' smonto domani dal lavoro facendo turno di notteeeeeeeee!!!
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