Kristopher Hawkins S/o To @wizDinero For addin a Mr stratosphere Production to their next project! gotta show erbdy love who showin it back!!
Corey Bawsel Today has been a good day. Going for a good, long run..then out later tonight seeing a movie with friends. Awesome start to the weekend.
Juan Romero Voy a contestarles.....
Les voy a dejar muy claro lo ke se preguntan.. ke si soy muy fuerte.. kreo ke ay golpes en la vida ke casi me tumban.... ke soy valiente... estoy muy acostumbrado a estar viendo a la muerte.. ke si tengo suerte... la vida me adado logros si ayudo a mi gente.....
Latz Man What a 9t, meeting agian a pal that rekindles the[]- light of hope.
Amanda Park Out handling bizz with my pops . . . gotta take day at a time
Omi Assi sO proud 2 have a new tat wiz the sign Of MUSIC =)
Bra Boshun-stryder Otibo GOD IS A FELLOW***
Jason John Beebe Some girl just teased the hell outta me at work, We walk by each other little flirty smile, (nice) I see u again, eye contact for a good 3 seconds, behind her bfs back,, mmm, ok. But then when you bend way down in ur pj like bottoms (to look at items on the shelf) n look at me, Grrrr!!!! C-mon! If you wanted to plant that image in my head, you did! Thanks! lol..
Marco Leyva Ninel Conde Y EPN en contra de la Ley SOPA, pero si a favor de la Ley TORTA y la Ley GARNACHA!
Tupelo Retirement Living Tupelo Have a great weekend guys!
Dale Gibbens Hamma Gee seems like Castle ville is being played just like farm ville,only get back what people need or want, have had requests out for days, and no clicks or returns, well that is another quest failed. How long does it take to go down a page to see what a neighbor needs. Guess I will stop doing it to.
Gie Bermillo Biron The LORD sometimes take us into troubled waters, NOT to drown us, but to cleanse us. So when you are faced with a difficult situation. Let go and Let GOD.
Good Morning To All......
Brandon Walters Lms if u havin a good day!!!
Mary E Cloutier Carol Kaine
Let's keep this going... What a wonderful way to start the new year! Heavenly Father, walk through my house, and take away all worries and illness, and please watch over and heal my family and friends. Bring quiet where there is chaos, bring light where there is darkness and put love in our hearts. Amen. Prayer is so powerful. Stop what you're doing and repost this ♥ Happy New Year to all my family and friends
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Sam Clark dad playn online poker - "i floped a fullhouse" turn comes, " oh now iv got a flush draw! " fukn crak up keint lol
OK, folks!!! It is that time again...and so many thanks to you guys, you are a HUGE part of our success! It is now time for a new Twisted contest...each time you share THIS Twisted Customz post, your name goes into a drawing for a new 1.5 or 2.5 with your choice of a premium image! With each new *like*,your friend goes into the drawing also for an additional prize...keep track of who you refer! :) GAME ON!
2 drawings will be held when TWISTED reaches 550 *likes*!
Shawna Stockdale Jones I've got a story on my mind and in my heart: My papa's house blew up from a gas leak. He walked away with minimal burns on his hands and face-MIRACLE! He was sent to Vandy and docs said his heart and kidneys were affected by the trauma. His heart was weak from past damage and his kidneys were working too hard to try to keep up with his heart. Said heart was too bad to operate on and kidneys would need dialysis. Doctors were going to take him off of breathing machine and did not give us much hope. We all gathered in his room, waiting to see if this would be his last breath....he never missed a beat!-MIRACLE! He grew stronger and stronger each day until he was transferred to Skyline Medical to start rehab and on first day started bleeding. Tons of blood! Liters and Liters of blood! Blood Pressure down, barely alive and pulled through again!-MIRACLE! Today it has been 18 days since his house blew up. He is sitting up in the bed, talking, moving around, wanting water and telling everyone he loves them. He is being moved to rehad soon! He is a living MIRACLE! People have said he has nine lives....but, I know it's the power of God.
G-man Larue Hill time to start work everybody have a great
Jocelyn Nicole Gonzalez 3rd and4th period was the shit lol hahaha Adrian sayaz in a cage at the zoo lol good ass day!!!! and I do not look like a gorilla !!!not a nice name lol
Christopher Purves here's what i think about fighting in hockeyl.. you fight the guy that pisses you off, you don't send out a guy that fights the guy that pisses you off.. there you go nhl problem solved.
~<3~ Love is just a word until you find someone to give it definition ~<3~
Jason Scott Gunning Love how pandora has a knack for playing a great song that takes me back !
Ki-Esha Turner Q: Do u wanna fuk me
A: Now ma u knw i kant answer that ;-)
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