Muammar Nasirin One of the best things about having a TRUE FRIEND is that no matter how far away they are, how long it has been since you've last spoken, or how much has happened in each of your lives, they are never really gone from your HEART. They always remain's a part of your life. Whether you see them everyday or only when they drift in and out through the years...
Andrew Sloan Watched Harry Brown for the second time in the space of about a week,- Even better the second time..
Kevin Brown damn what a day some stupid petty SOB broke in to our new home in Texas and stole starlas close and medical equipment as well as our T.V. and rare xbox 360 there are on a handful of them signed like mine was got the wii and a couple of special edition games
Zuzana Biji Balazova
A Rocket In Dub. If music could talk. 2003
Please hit share. If this little angel gets 100 shares, he gets a heart transplant for free!:)
Stephanie Tavarez tilapia, rice and a nice salad .. yumm :)
John Salamon Gonna go see A week w/ Marilyn later. Love to all for a great night...
Ordi Stillfan Liam and Hope were engaged and their engagement time was a disaster how the hell they think they will have a happy marriage!!! Isn't engagement time there to see how a relationship works or not and if the couple are happy together or not?? they weren't right they were miserable specially Liam? Are they that stupid to want to try it again? YES they are hope that happen earlier and Steffy can be with Bill again.
Ricardo Reyes Hit the ground running in 2012 only to slam into a wall of strep and a cold. But I got this. Should be back in full effect come Monday!! So book your appointment now before I run out of appointment slots!
Don Colwell Been on a peanut kick lately. Boiling and roasting peanuts for 2 days.
Maricela Garcia here at my moms makin pies for the spoiled brat of my love u bro!! goin to take a break from the kitchen!!!
Mosthated Jorge LMS FOR A <3
Angela Nixon Dear Little Caylee Anthony, last night on ET they mentioned that your mommy is going to make a lot of money off a book (her story) and a movie. Caylee, we the public promise you "WE" will not buy either one. If you promise Caylee, then copy and paste this. I did!! Let's boycott this so she won't get rich from the murder of her baby girl
Sheldan Kaplan well beside getting a FNG as a new roomate, my friday is awesome, got half the day off n new glasses
Segador Du Terra That's is what I really hate... shit, fucking Gods of Earth, never let you win a battle... Do I deserve the honor of something... Eventhough, I'm true to You?... Fuck you Satan, for you are a Bastard already... I'm a Star... HOw many People of your side and MY side Is watChing This... someone?
Priscilla Brott When were older i woeds he our kids are going 2 have a different type of music and were going 2 pass down our generation of the music we listen 2.:)
Joseph Gann Bartending tonight at Haze with my buddy Jessica, located at 21st & garnett behind the burger king! It's college night free entry with a college id, free bud light for everyone & Mikey's djing!
William Cox First day of employment at the Shelby County jail is in the books. No problems. However, this is a small world. One inmate asked me " Did you work for TDC?" My answer...."Yes" He then says you were a seargeant on Hodge unit and your name is Cox. I was housed on 2 building and worked for Officer Collins.
Hugo Amos Viljoen Anyone around dangerous wildlife, be careful! having a kak vibe! Kak vibes are real
Julien Portelance Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
Lebza Jojo Moseki M havin a g8 nyt wit ol my frnds,top chillas blessd me.nw its rosebank babe..letz go!!
Jay Morris Shid my bad if im the 1 that u cant stand. Shid my bad if i never learned in my life how 2 make things right with a female!
Maria Wooley Wanting to be ready for Christ's return will make a difference in the way we live.
Tracy Chandani <3 <3 <3 Had such a nice time visiting with Bianca Bout Bizness Baez & Georgina Baez-borrero yesterday....I have known my BFF's daughter since she was born....& it is such a great feeling to see that she has grown into such a BEAUTIFUL, LOVING, YOUNG LADY....& now she is about to have a baby of her own....When Nadia is born I'm going to spoil her like crazy...Lol <3 <3 <3
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