Marcia Kim Muleya Eish sumtymz ukuhlekelel'muntu sendz e wrng message nd ma ungabopha umsiri bathi uyambuluza.yae ngumunt'omnyama ke lona
Catalin Nouazecisitrei ba cate aplicatii de cacat are facebooku asta :)))) si sunt unii care CRED cu adevarat in cacaturile astea.... BA, e trist in pula mea :))
Knut Arvid Frøland ka tid e det knapphus stenge??:P
Aleksander Petrov Някой да не е гледал ТИЛТ и да иска да го гледа...!?
Eduardo Miranda Acabei de ouvir que "mexer com pobre é o mesmo que pedir esmola pra dois […]"…é de se pensar! Hahaha
Japhet Nyanda Its me again, father as i fal on my knees 2 m GOD i pray,preserve my soul,separate m frm e wicked n 4gve al my sins. lthank u 4 e blsng of lyf
Wayne Adams Need shirts for your church? Shirts for Homecomings, Family & Friends Day, Pastor Appreciation Day, and any other occasion are our specialty! Call today! 843-774-3964 or e-mail:
Need shirts for your church? Shirts for Homecomings, Family & Friends Day, Pastor Appreciation Day, and any other occasion are our specialty! Call today! 843-774-3964 or e-mail:
Terri McArthur Baby Boomer Test:
4. Good night, David.
A.. Good night, Chet.
B. Sleep well.
C. Good night, Irene.
D.. Good night, Gracie.
E. See you later, alligator.
F. Until tomorrow.
G. Good night, Steve .
Kon Machida Akabane di mo pa ako kilalang masyado :D
so better back off !
you might fall !
P in k F iv E
Nadielson Francisco Chaves Hoje é o de Santo Reis Viva D.João VI e seus Frangos.... em 1908 dale BRASIL
Raquel Cordeiro :) Here we go to a Disney 3D maraTOON ...
E estou curiosa com o Monsters' University
O sucesso da versão 3D de "O Rei Leão" determina a estratégia de novos lançamentos.
Mish Mash Ένα πρωτότπο Social Network για να ακούς μουσική με DJs και Virtual Rooms..!! - Το νέο Social Media φαινόμενο στο χώρο της μουσικής ( Social Listening )
Cristiano Carletti seja homem ja q sua mae não 'e!
Lee Zeug yeah i am cig free i got my e cig in the mail today ;0 SON quit smokeing on this so i know i can too...i am so stoked about this yeah :)
Aleem Noori Ibadat Hai
Koi Roota Howa Chehra Hansa Dena Ibadat Hai
Musibat Main Dowa Lena DowaDena Ibadat Hai
Kisi Bay Aasra Insaan K Tootay Gharoonday Main
Khaloos-E-Dil Say Ek Pathar Laga Dena Ibadat Hai
Sa'adat Haj-O-Umrah Ki Baja Apni Jagha Laikin
Koi Ujra Howa Aanghan Basa Dena Ibadat Hai.
Fatjon Sorra e modhe fare
Si ta luash mendsh dike që është ulur afër teje në aeroplan !
1.Nxjerr laptopin nga çanta;
2. Hape ngadalë dhe qetë;
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6. Mbylli sytë dhe ngrije kokën në drejtim të qiellit
7. Merr frymë thellë dhe kliko në këtë link
8. Përcjelle shprehjen e fytyrës së personit!
Elliot Lamure
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Ucheibe Prince Tnk God 4 a day like dis.make una sleep well ma pals jare,e go be morrow na
Joshua Thebigoctober Brown EAZY-E TAUGHT ME . Follow us on tumblr .
Updates on our work and also other's work of art, video, fashion ,and photography.
Ketelyn Amanda Voo toma un banhu e dps voo subi na Larrisa pra vê oque ela qué ;)
Cindy Montsinger City of Orlando Public Art Advisory Board Minutes dated 11/08/2011
The Orlando Public Art Advisory Board (PAAB) met on Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 4:00 p.m., at Harry P. Leu Gardens, 1920 North Forest Avenue, in the Conference Room.
Board Members Present (Attended/Absent):
Bettie-Ann Candelora (1/0) Chair
Pamela Carneri (1/0)
Victoria Cerrone (1/0)
Cynthia Montsinger (1/0)
Clarence Reynolds (1/0)
Elizabeth Tuura (1/0)
Board Members Absent (Attended/Absent):
Jo Anne Adams (0/1)
Nancy Brown (0/1)
Mauricio Murillo (0/1) Vice Chair
Also Present: Beth Gruber, Landscape Architect, Families, Parks & Recreation Department
Ric Dalpay, former Veteran
Ms. Xuan ‘Sue’ Thie Le, Secretary General, Vietnamese-American Memorial Committee
Mr. Cuu Ngoc Pham, Vice President I, Vietnamese-American Memorial Committee
Staff Present: Robert Bowden, Director, Harry P. Leu Gardens, Orlando Venues Department;
Paul Wenzel, Public Art Coordinator, Orlando Venues Department
Antoinette Ashman, Recording Secretary
Bettie-Ann Candelora, Chair called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m., and it was determined that a quorum was present.
The September 13, 2011 minutes were sent to City Council for approval. It was moved by Cynthia Montsinger and seconded by Elizabeth Tuura to approve the September 13, 2011 board minutes.
It was approved by all.
A. George C. Young Federal Building and Courthouse Artwork
Paul Wenzel will represent the Public Art Advisory Board as a community representative at the Art Selection Panel meeting on November 14, 2011.
A. Vietnamese-American Memorial
The board viewed a PowerPoint presentation on the Vietnamese-American Memorial.
Robert Bowden arrived at 4:20 p.m.
The Vietnamese-American Memorial Committee must first raise $250,000 to fund the design, construction and installation. The monument will consist of a 20’ high podium with two soldiers made of bronze. The board was presented the proposal and three conceptual plans for the monument which would be installed at Central Florida Veterans Memorial Park. It was clarified that the City of Orlando would not be responsible for the annual maintenance on the monument.
It was moved by Cynthia Montsinger to approve the monument, statue and location as viewed in the PowerPoint presentation, there was no second. The motioned died.
It was moved by Pamela Carneri and seconded by Clarence Reynolds to approve the concept of the monument, statue and landscape. It was approved by a vote of five to one, with a no by Elizabeth Tuura.
The recommendation for the alternative location at the southwest corner near the lake was endorsed by Pamela Carneri. Discussion ensued on the location of the monument and on the size of the monument and sculpture. The board agreed to defer to the Families, Park & Recreation department on the location of the monument.
Beth Gruber, Ric Dalpay, Xuan ‘Sue’ Thie Le, and Cuu Ngoc Pham left the meeting.
B. Zoning Officials Interpretation of Murals, Art and Signs
Paul Wenzel and the board reviewed the October 25, 2011 memorandum regarding the Zoning Official’s Interpretation of Murals, Art and Signs by Mark Cechman, Zoning Official and Dean Grandin, Jr., Planning Official. Paul Wenzel will consult with Amy Iennaco, Chief Assistant City Attorney, on the involvement of the Public Art Advisory Board to give an opinion.
Discussion ensued by Cynthia Montsinger on the Public Art Advisory Board members understanding of board procedures.
C. Loan Extension from Barbara Sorensen
Barbara Sorensen, artist, and the John and Rita Lowndes Shakespeare Center at Loch Haven Park would like to extend the current agreement of the “The Sirens” sculptures at the entrance of Loch Haven Park to the year 2029.
It was moved by Pamela Carneri and seconded by Clarence Reynolds to approve the loan extension of the “Sirens” sculpture until 2029. Discussion ensued on the loan extension. It was approved by a vote of five to one, with a no by Cynthia Montsinger.
D. Ke Francis 4 Themes will be on display thru January 5, 2012 at the Terrace Gallery.
E. Penny Jordan Photography will be on display thru December 4, 2011 at the Mayor’s Gallery.
F. The Florida Oasis artwork will be on display thru January 6, 2012 at Leu Gardens’ Garden House Gallery.
Discussion ensued by Cynthia Montsinger on the loan extension of the Barbara Sorensen’s sculpture.
The next board meeting will be on Tuesday, January 10, 2012.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 5:17 p.m.
Antoinette Ashman, Recording Secretary
Logan Quasar Quem foi a ultima Pessoa que te mandou SMS? Calma. Deixa eu ver, faz uns dias.
Você quer ter filhos e quantos? Não sei, talvez adoto um pupilo. -q
Você bebe? I like to drink water.
Você já ficou super bêbado? Não manguacei e caí, então não.
Estação do ano favorita? Aquela perto da praça. -q
Último filme que assistiu? Vi um pedaço de Up porque meu irmão tava aqui.
Tem piercing ? Don't.
Time de futebol? Também não, mas um dia compro 1.
Você pretende se casar? Nope.
Tem tatuagem? Don't.
Escolha as 9 primeiras pessoas online do seu Face para responder. Se é para eu escolher, por que tem que ser as 9 primeiras on-line? D= Y? Y?
Bianca Moraes, Beatriz Garcia Spu BW, Marcela Luna, Viviane Oliveira, Nathália Leckar, Nana Carvalho, Carina Pinaço, Carolina Rubia e Marcelo Ramos Venancio, respondam! Y? q
Carol Yumi de Carvalho Vou embora amanha! quem quer me ver venha em casa amanha a tarde! #beijomeliga Paula Ferreira Guilherme Bretas Priscila Pio Nina Tess Luís Fernando Gonçalves Lara Sibinelli Júlia Bauer Isabella Carvalho Thomas Carvalhaes de Carvalho Caio Pavesi e mais gente!
Frida Alonso Esquivel I'm so hungry :E
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