Shaykh Omar Subedar Wrote this a while back....
Mathabah Foundation is a portal to authentic traditional Islamic sciences, knowledge and inspiration. Mathabah Foundation is committed to serve in promoting Traditional Islamic knowledge & education, Inspiring advise and mentoring, Traditional roots of the 'Holy Quran & Prophetic Teachings' with mod...
Erika Bonilla-Rector So Bored. Don't Know If Im Going Too School Tomorrow Or Friday. Well Friday Maybe Half A Day.
Tommy Blazin' Tittle I am not afraid to admit this but, I watched today's episode of "Bold and the Beautiful" and it was really very classy to have the daily storylines suspended so that a couple of the show's characters are taken out of their usual characters and storylines and deal with a growing and virtually unspoken issue in our country - kids that occupy the foster care system. The actual people were not actors, they were real people that are aged out of the foster care system and to hear their stories of how they got there and where they are heading. It was really touching.
Aurora Lola Salamanca Es q por ti estoy dispuesto a contar la arena del Mar y bajar las estrellas del cielo<3
Silvina Guerreiro Did I really take a train to Brooklyn instead of Queens just now.
Omar Pazmino A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on
Truth Quotes from BrainyQuote, an extensive collection of quotations by famous authors, celebrities, and newsmakers.
Mercedes Micahbrownbestie Smith Abt to call it a night schawgg!
Wesley Colon One smile can spread like a sickness threw out the world :D
Staline Dap-og Live the dream!
everything happens for a reason!
Luck and fate are the same thing, it just depends on how you look at life!
Mahi Adari I LOVE YOU
but a true LOVE says it
I CARE YOU........
Danysh Khan Thank you for waking me up. A warm good morning, after sweet dreams of last night. wish you
a good day with good morning.
FlockaFree LilRicky Davis Any Mf who will let a mf talk about they child's mother has no respect for there child!
Tressia Burton Is there a heaven for a gangsta
Andrew James Woodacre going running in a bit... saw my cousin at work today was a pleasant surprise. birthday in 7 almost 6 days probably getting off work for it hopefully... getting used to my hair being almost buzzed for the first time haha... if u wanna talk im here :) hmu
Heather Perry I am so blessed to have two healthy children. They can drive me crazy at times but they sure are worth it. Still praying for Alex Layton and Marie. Marie has been praying for a miracle for over a year now.
Matt Williams 'Bury me smilin'
with G's in my pocket
have a party at my funeral
let every rapper rock it
let tha hoes that I usta know
from way before
kiss me from my head to my toe
give me a paper and a pen
so I can write about my life of sin'-Life Goes On-2 Pac
Daniel Rusch I'm experiencing something that I have never envisioned nor ever remotely expected that would ever happen to me. I'm sad that a class is over...
Nicole Francesca Capra Joined la fitness with my babe, had an amazing dinner while listening to some soulful country music and now some goodnight tea. What a great evening.
Kelly Juarez-Lopez Had a great day now its time to relax n try to get da hubby to give me a massage.. Being a full time mommy n wify is exhausting but <3 it
Mariah Long Been studying since 4 o'clock today. If I look at history notes or a textbook one more time I'm likely to scream. Once again me being a procrastinator has got the best of me. Cramming isn't a good idea. Prior planning prevents piss poor performance Mariah. I think I'll talk these words of advice serious next go around. Please god let me do good on this final.
Jayma Kay Tidwell Food for thought...if your not happy where you are, you'll never be happy where your headed!! True statement said by a friend!
Sean Ward See we loosing this world we love it looks like the sinning won't end. So I'm reaching high up above Lord, let your blessings begin. Murder all around the whole world, it's nauseating. Everybody's hating everybody, overrated. Why everybody acting agitated, I thought we graduated back in the saddle waiting, aboard the battle station. Hating is a birth defect and you know ain't nobody perfect
Osaia Chaidez like if im a good friend ;D
Tameria Nicole' I Gotta Say Today Was A Good Day : )
Vutomiey Venolia Vutsulu Ange pfumeli nenge wanga wu rendzevuka ndzi wela hansi wena ntsena hosi ya mina wandzi rhandza.mrning 4rds, i knw da lord wl myk a wae 4m
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