Victor Gomez Falling down like acid rain, salting the terrain so nothing ever grows again. Like desert plains, its the last place you wanna be. Send it back to where it came, from caution to the wind dont let it ever blow again. Like a hurricane, its the last place you want to be.
Freddy Peña Today is not a good day..... :/
Megan Bryant 1 day shy of finishing out my 2 weeks and sparked a pretty legit investigation of the management by hr... success! Tomorrow I'm walking away from the worst job I have ever had and I'm pee my pants excited!!!
Christopher Dunn Well no luck on work today, hope I have better luck tomorrow. Well tomorrow is nother day so it well be a better one.
Rosemary Diaz Estoy feliz porke mi volve a el tesoro mas yama......papa Dios....;)con papa Dios en mi vida nada mi falta.....;)
Erica Catherine its good to have a lot of friends but its great to have the few friends u wanna and can call family thanks to everyone who has been there for me
great night work was fun... had a great talk with a great friend after made me so happy :D
Bearded Dragon playing video games. What else is there to say? ...
Wayne Mincey Come on now!! Chuck Norris is a stupid actor!!If he's so good he would come to my house and slap my head into the keyboaiuyfrujhgrjklvfbru8yuohfvkjbfjkbfvbfjf
Cosmos Frank Did you all have a blast twodae eye did yay tell me all about it yo
Ka'shawn Kash Gowins Is your girl/Babymama trippin with you?
being Loud & a Rat?
do you always have trouble with her in public?... If so there is a solution to ALL.. Pick up the phone & callllll...
Jamari Williams Chris Paul a LA CLIPPER... WTH.. IF uu tryna win a ring yu need to be a LAKER..
Aryana Moschitto 04020 ~ i used to have a ginormous crush on you. Yup. bet u didnt know that
Suzanne Marie Dexter-jones is of too find my lovely place they call bed. and sleep very tightly with my lovely bed lol... what more could a person ask for. its a no man zone. there just wasters haha. not meaning friends mind. ur all still lovely :) xx
Daniel Regalado I want to have a long, fun, and intruging conversation with someone (x
Cheryl Baker Anderson We need prayers so bad right now.!!!! Hope someone cares. If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange ways
Ricky De Leon I need a haircut =/
Roxanne GoldieRocks Toussaint ***London, Ontario, People Please Help***
(or please repost) :)
From : ~Yvonne Stuckless~
I just found out that one of the Families in ADOPT A FAMILY, does not have a Christmas tree yet and no means to buy one! Does anyone have an extra Christmas tree or one they are willing to Donate! This family lost everything in a Fire and have struggled ever since to rebuild their lives!!! If you can help , Please help....Thank you so much!!!!!/groups/adoptafamilyforchristmas/?notif_t=group_activity
This Christmas open your heart to families who need your help! Children suffer the most growing up in poverty during Christmas time,,,Your donation of a small gift, stocking stuffer or groc certificat...
Calvin Nabong ahe ..
No Copyright Infringement Intended! All rights go to the Artist and the Record Company. I get no credit for the song or the lyrics! DOWNLOAD LINK: http://upl...
Steven Padilla A girl sends a broadcast on bbm to watch her vid on fb. I just watched it and it was her shaking her ass. I tell her on bbm, "I just don't know how girls could put vids up like that but whatever. Your choice." She says, "oh well :')"and then deletes me. Lol the young minds of dumb loose females. They just don't realize how bad that makes them look.
Shannon Bartlett Oh Santa, Thank you for my early present!! I found a box in the laundry room I haven't seen since I moved here 2 years ago~that has some of the things from on my dresser in Ohio, in it... My holiday jewelry, my fav ankle/+bracelets, more earrings, candles, special keepsakes AND a $20 bill in a Longaberger Spring basket that has some special letters and pictures in it... See, I Have been a good girl! <3
Kathie Attwood Ok, going to bed to take a few hours to contemplate the slice and dice planned for in the morning. It's just another knee surgery :)
Joana Marin Jus gave my son a bath :)
Jay Varela A cinnamon bun sounds bomb lol
Sandra Boe Every time I think of you my heart breaks a little more cause every time I think of you I know it's only a dream!!
Shelliesays Fukupayme ok so im stuck in a rut ma anniversary is on thee first and i dont have a clue wat to do
me: babe do u know wat u wanna do for our anniversary??? cuz i dont got no ideas.
babe: idk think of somethin...
me: ........???
and i still dont know any suggestions???
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