Frank TheTank Echevarria Wow you wont bleve wat I saw tonite!
Black Lively Indeed, I did.
Mistie Thomas-Jackson long ass day at work santa i want a new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christopher Juarez Lms for me to tell you something what i think about you
Trishelle Salomon So get this...There was a power out some time after I finally went to sleep that turn my baby monitor off and I was dreaming that something was going to get me and my little one end up getting up about 5 in the morring and walk from her room at one end of the house to my room at the other end of the house and grab my hand making me jumping right out of sleep about giving me a heart atack causing me to leap about three feet in bed and scaring my little one.
Lincoln Hugo Scelo I love the smell of money in the morning #morningfriends ¤hold up hold up holp up hold up wait¤
Inmyheart Inmymind my dad is a asshole and i cant take it anymore ive put up with it for 14 years IM DONE ive realized he will never! change and i cant handle it anymore! Columbus im GOING to try my hardest to come back . . .ps i cant b packed and ready by friday but no i have to wait for stupid school shit and court! WTF! hate it!
Katelynn King oh how i miss summer 3
Danielle Keller i am tired about to go to bed goodnight everone
Marisa Sonia Flores I REALLY want a really close friend that i can be myself around, not someone that's always judging me. . .
Leah Teresa Traylor I wanna throw a party with FAKE alcohol and see how many people act wasted.....
Venessa Pierce Thomas Fuck it... I try and all i do is get shit on so fuck it lil trouble for life 74HCG WESTSIDE
Jamal Hawkwing A kid staggered into his classroom one morning,
he answer all tha guestions with a slurred voice.
tha teacher says "Is there anything wrong" and tha kid replies " I swear to drunk, im not god"
Juanita Miller Thank you everyone for the Birthday wishes. I enjoyed reading them. Hugs n kisses.
Ciara Hamm Eating a bowl of cereal and watching "The Notebook" then heading to bed i love this movie!
Mercedes Williams Finished my poem :]
Its deep!!!
Spokenword based,( like mr. lembergs videos)
I feel so successful <3
Abdulrahman M El-Sayed I <3 you, Nick Kristof: "If this repression were unfolding in Iran or Syria, the White House would thunder with indignation. When it is our pals who behave this way, it is even more essential that we speak out."
There’s nothing like getting tear-gassed and detained in Bahrain to be reminded that our close ally has a dark and repressive side.
Ulenzen King I just found out I got a 3.66 GPA, tried to make it a 4.0. I'll have to push myself extra hard next semester.
Jibbs Gardner sitting at the station. MRI at 540 in the morning, hoping it comes back negative so i can start working out and getting into shape. feeling good about life and just bored out of my mind text the phone or on here is fine if anyone wants to talk.
Cortez Powell on my moma: u move up tu da cutest underclassmen at central tu me but i fuks wit u and u betta bring my stuff tumorrow
Kayla Babyk Rena Blue - you're really pretty & i haven't seen you ina while .
Shalandria McConico - Its Sad How Some People Believe EveryThinq SomeBody Tell Them . I Need Proof !! So Until Yhu Show Meh SomeThinq Yhu Lyinq . #HateLyinPeople .
Alex Lukhele So they tell me that they love me i know better than that it's just a game......
David Brophy when did it become a crime to say Merry Christmas? I am seriously considering Canada for retirement, especially if this place continues down the road of pus^ydome!
Leonel Saravia I miss going to sleep with a smile on my face
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