Carolyn Hu My THIRD fever this month! What am I doing wrong?
Edward Torrez Wish I could go be a me somewhere...
George Sfakianakis Wow look at all these closet clipper fans coming out of no where. I hate bandwagons with a passion!
Paige Vanden Houten I want a boyfriend that will buy me a puppy. But mainly just the puppy..
FlyyBoii Montana Joe - I Wanna Know :'( (Just Crying Wanna Be Left Alone)
Angel Toxicc Foxx Why am I afraid to lose you when you're not even mine...
i love you with all my hearts content.. and i dont want to lose you. not again <3
Naomi Livinmylife Thompson Oh my goodness!!! Oh my goodness!!! Have you ever experienced 100% Commissions?? I mean seriously... not 10 to 50%.. I mean a whopping 100%. If not you need to make this your call to action and get started today... You can make excuses or you can make money but you can't do both... See you on the inside!!!
‘Leaked’ video reveals how this once homeless 'van man' and ex-construction worker are now extracting thousands of dollars in instant 100% commissions …and how you can use the same commission ‘loophole’ to extract commissions into your bank account starting today.
Pretty'boy McClendon - Who wana buy a 20GB XBOX 360 with 2 Controllers & like 3 OLD games . . . i still look new basically . . got a HDMI port on the back & everything . . $200 or BEST price ?
Alex Robles Ive enjoyed this time to myself, but it was nice to go home tonight. fantastic dinner, a murder mystery, and some family kitchen cleaning. i wonder when it will start to look like christmas again? a small drift of white snow to cover Fall`s withered arms as it sheds it`s last tears this week is all our humble little christmas celebration needs to end the year as we all would like to end it... together.
Vaughn Stegeman hunh. i haz broken two (2) yo-yo strings. wonder if i can make my own.
Brett Lobreau My grey team hoody is being held ransom, as I have forgotten it once again in the hotel lobby.
BRING ME a BAG OF POTSTICKERS or else youll never see it again.
Ray Kesty i may or may not draw a graphic of how much i like Community overtime.
Mike Torrisi Went to the casino to play poker with $100. Left with $367. I'm ok with making $178/hr. Someone remind me why I haven't been doing this for a while?
TaRhea Edmonds Family has been testing me for da past 4 days! I just gotta keep holdin my tongue. Laugh it off Reah...ugh!
Stacy's Pastries Like my friend and I's business page! S&Js Fantasy Pastries!
Amanda N Perry Goin I have a hot water tank, 90 gallon fish tank, a fridge, deep freeze, a shed, a stove, a heater, and a jet tub all for sale if interested let me know
Gordon Chace Has anyone noticed,lots of gas stations,are locked .Having us go to the little window?Banks are putting up larger deviders between us,the custommers.More metle detectors then ever.THANX!! All you occupy people. WHO pays for them to camp out and occupy? Ritch parents or wellfair? DO they even vote????I know this,they are making a lot us suffer at thier convinance. Realy now,with all those people,couldent they put a person in office? FOR the cause.
Damica D-Durty Payne Oooo , a pupppy . I wanna love it with all my heart ! Lol
Ria Prince i dont mean nothing bad by this..
but damn alot of my female friends
turning gay/bi....lms if you are.
Ken Sims Today, Heaven abounds in Joy as MJ’s Uncle Tony completed his earthly journey to near perfection. Upon leaving this “earthly existence” to a new everlasting beginning and forever, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ greeted him with unending love and joy saying, “Well done my faithful servant, now enter into the Home of My Father!” With his daughter Victoria, parents and brother, MJ's dad (as well as other loved ones, who’ve passed before), encircling him, I envision a great party celebration in total worship of God. I am grateful for our Creator giving us such a great man who loved his family (immediate and extended). Uncle Tony always made others (me) feel important. His sense of humor was timeless as well as his cooking talents. He meant so much to MJ and her family. His legacy will live on through his son, Jim. Uncle Tony will be missed, but I can’t wait to see him again as Jesus promised (John 3: 16. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. I only hope and pray that I can live the rest of my life as dignified as Uncle Tony did! Thank YOU God!
Destiny Stroud Good Night , (: ;; Werstling Match Tomorrow . ! So Scared ! Wish Me Luck *
I Love you Carson <3
Quatasyaa Sanbriieaa Walkerr sso readdyy forr tomorrow . cant wait t2 talkk Ashleighh tomorrow . S M H . . .
ggettingg off forr the night . not ggoing t2 sleep . about t2 playy gglow hockeyy andd listenn t2 musicc . huml orr Vox me .
' I love youu but I hate the decissionss youu makee 3
Jenna Lyn Keep on looking at me. Just to let you know if you take a pic it will last way longer!! Just thought I would give you some advice. Thx oh and be sure to tag me in it. Haha!!
Kountry Mckinnon NOW here come T.R.O.U.B.L.E thiz bitch iz HOlliN bout she Pregnant C.L.A.I.M.I.N itz minez but I know I aint fukkd in ah S.e.c.o.n.d I hit dat nd found Out she waz stayin wit ah N.I.G.G.A So I made dat B.I.T.C.H drink C.L.O.R.O.X just for playnn wit ah Niqqah #I feel ya Boosie #it aint real
Kurt Hardy i love callum gover and the cick he had sex with and the mole on her head the seedy cunt
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