Kailash Korla Santa was reading Financial Time's Heading:
"Microsoft buys yahoo messenger for 8.5 billion"
He says "O teri, kharida kyun, download kr leta
Pako Mautle Waitse mme le ga o bona re supprta all kasi jaana, e re tlhabisa ditlhong smtmes. Dinambara di kgobogile, e bile tse dingwe ga di o. Mxm
Samiulla Malang O frndz free ho jao exam khtam ho chuki hai
Ilabb Denice msarap pag my taong anjan umaalala at ngmmahal syo...
msarap rin naman kung my inaalala, iniingatan at minmhal mo...
pero kung dlawa cla...
cno ppliin mo???
ang mahal mo o ang taong ngmmhal syo???
More Quotes at: http://www.tagalogquotes.net/2011/07/tagalog-love-quotes.html#ixzz00H7sC6VC
Pamela Flick-Fiore s/o 2 the 3 ppl in my life that was there when i needed them the most much luv 2 all of u it ment all 2 me
Alma Platas Que triste es ver a alguien sola o solo por ocuparse de alguien mas y olvidarse de ellos mismos, y ahora darse cuenta que ya tiene una edad avanzada y no hicieron nada x su vida por ocuparse d los demas, pienso q cada uno d nosotros somos duenos d destino
Thiago Paes Leme Naquele dia abrir-se-á a tua boca para com aquele que escapar, e falarás, e não mais ficarás mudo; assim virás a ser para eles um sinal, e saberão que eu sou o SENHOR. Ezequiel 24:27
Angelica Perez Tuazon Trouble Maker Official MV!! Omoooooo~ HOOOOOOOOT!!!! :O *jaw dropped*
비스트 장현승(JS), 포미닛 현아의 특급 프로젝트 'Trouble Maker' 2011. 12. 01. 발매! Special Mega Project of HYUNSEUNG(JS) of BEAST & HYUNA of 4MINUTE 'Trouble Maker' Dec. 01. 201...
Bebi Kute Toi nay cung Chang ngu dc zi lo chuyen bao dong nen o day viet vai dong cho zui
Hum nay la ngay dau tien cua thang 12,tui cung da cam nhan dc ko khj cua ngay noel,bay h tui dang trang hoang lai cai fong cua tui nhung tui chua ranh...vai ngay nua la tui dc doan tu vs mama cua tui chinh xac hon la 27 ngay,me tui dy cung ko co it nhung ma tui hog co gian me tui zi me tui wa do de lo cho tuong lai cua tui cua anh 2 tui,tui o day vs papa cug da 4 nam nay co nhung bun zui thang tram cam xuc lan lon nhieu khj tui mun... Zia we o cho suong hay bien khoi cuoc doi nhung nghi lai thi moi... Co muoi may tuoi ah tuong lai con o phia trc anh sang dang cho tui kia nen fai co gang song thoy,nhieu khj dy ra duong thay nha nguk ta dong du co papa co mama ma tui tui than,nhung suy dy nghi lai thj me tui dau co bo dy lun? Me tui zia vs tui ma nen tui mun... Vs me tui dieu nay
me ui...con thuong me lem mac du con ko wa Ben do dc,con ko mun... Wa Ben xu nguoi ay vi con o day da quen roay nen me kiu ba dung lam giay to lai dy lan nhu nhat dy k dc thj ko co lan Thu 2 dau,neu me mun... Dy nua thj cu viec dy nhung ko fai dy roay lo lam ko nghi toi suc khoe,me dy dau fai la me quen con ko nho con me van dien ve cho con gui quan ao cho con zay la con hanh phuc lam roay,qua thang 12 con dem tung ngay doi me zia
Cristopher Dahili o holy night
Fred Spain An I wanna give a special s/o to da lady dat gave me life its her b day she 44 today even doe u get on my nerves I love ya 2 death
Gustavo Albuquerque pendurar as roupas ali \o\
Reginaldo Cavalcanti oi Camila Torres o que foi q aconteceu com a Cris?
Rika Hibari Like stt và tớ sẽ trả lời ♥
1. Ta quen nhau như thế nào?
2. Ấn tượng ban đầu?
3. Điều tớ thích ở bạn?
4. Bạn trong mắt tớ là?
5. Điều tớ muốn làm với bạn?
6. Màu sắc bạn trong mắt tớ?
7. Khoảnh khắc mà bạn đáng yêu nhất?
8. Điều tớ muốn nhắn nhủ với bạn?
9. Điều tớ muốn hỏi bạn nhất?
10. Và hãy đặt stt này cho mình LIKE nhé ♥
Tasos Giannousis Σήμερα, Πέμπτη βράδυ:Το Γνωστό Τρίο κατεβαίνει Πειραιά!
Ο Παναγιώτης Κατσιμάνης, Ο Αντώνης Τζήκας και η αφεντιά μου στον υπέροχο ''Αποσπερίτη", τον μουσικό καφενέ (Καραολή & Δημητρίου 56, Πειραιάς, τηλ: 210.4179052).
Eddie Butler http://www.vitalmtb.com/videos/member/WHAM-O-WHEELIE-BAR-Tv-Commercial-1966,10610/970biking,307
Wham-O wheelie bar sting ray bike commercial from 1965
João Victor Moretti Silva machucar o pé e mal conceguir andar e ter show do raimundos amanha, mas q buc... =/ alguem tem cadeira de rodas pra mim ???
Brandy Lamica Me and cassi talking about girls boys and cooties! lol.
cas-mommy the boys at school say girls have cooties? me- girls dont have them.boys have them from age 10 to 25.. cas- so if i touch them. when they have them. i will get cooties? me- yes mama u will.but ur ok till u get bigger. cas- o... ok. ( i really hope she buys that when she is 16 and trying to date. lol!!.)
Scott Spielman Only 2 more weeks o school gotta hold w A's.. now if only the hunt for new job can go as smooth
Akinyemi Adenike Oluwatosin si o olutunnu orun fun ore atagbara re a nko alleluya
Thandiwe Barcalady Mpoba Jwala o hokae...*thirsty*
Rosy Carrillo Angel NIFICAD O DE UN BESO:-beso en el estomago: estoy listo(a)-beso en la frente: espero que estemos juntos para siempre… See More Nov 24 at 4:59pm · Wall-to-Wal"Por ke lo dices raúl." on her own p
Carianne Smith Wew..... I woke up this morning to all the cans out of the cubbards and all the food out of the fridge!!!!!!!! I'm raising monsters! =O At least they helped me clean up.... :) They're so fun.
Megz Cure Tinadhana qbah xkin ng dios o sadyang baliw lng ako sau?
Jeryl Joseph Ya ya yah…
Ya ya ya.. ha hm…
Ya ya ya.. ha hm… (Ya ya ya…)
O ya ya ( O Ya ya…)
Ya ya ya ya… (Ya ya ya…)
O o o .. (O o o…)
O o o o.. (O o o o..)
Jo bhi main
Kehna chahoon
Barbad kare..
Alfaz mere
Alfaz mere
O ya ya…
Ya ya ya
Ya ha hm…
O o o…
O o o.....summmm Mohit Chauhan
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