Liang BitesChu I lagged like hell and dc-ed thrice just now o^o
Soumya Prince Highly disappointing situations-
1. Ur Best frnd weds ur lover :'(
2. A close frnd avoiding without reason ;(
3. 10 mark question asked for 2mark :(
4. Principal sitting near u on tour :(
5. Xtremly gud looking guy/girl crossing u wen u r wid ur mom/dad :(
6. Teachers distributing ur test papers in front of ur juniors :/
7. Frnd calling on b'day n not wishing :@
8. Dear 1 suddenly stopped msging :O
9. Leaving dis post without liking it too :(
<3 u frndssss
Shamsi Dcatalyst
Linkin Park Cover : Guns n' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
Moh'd Yahya Toure Kòsi ógbòn ti ò léda, kosi iwa ti ò le wu, kosi onó ti o le gba ti ò lê fi taye lòrun òó. Pls tell me if i try.
Praveen Frndsforever Soniyo o soniyo tu de de mera sath tham le hath chahe jo b ho baat tu bs de de mera sath
Sierra Perez Who needs an alarm clock when you got a crazy baby to slap you in the face!haha o the things id do for a vacation!:)
Hip2Save Another *HOT* magazine deal!
Wow! If you missed out on the O Magazine deal I posted yesterday, you’re in luck as I have an even sweeter deal to tell you about! Currently, Mamapedia is offering up 1-year subscription (12 issues) to O, The Oprah Magazine for ONLY $10 (down from $54!)! Even sweeter, new Mamapedia customers can u...
Tari Gede sumtimes Ʈhε̲̣̣̣̥ Best things in Life Are Worth Waiting Ƒσя...SO wait Ƒσя M̶̲̅ε̲̣ i Will Be Right Back.....=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=))
Tony Rayner yea baby, 100meg broadband now working :o)
Aleen Anderias Soooooo tired im gonna put the christmas tree o my god :$
Kevin Prive amazing die amezia :p :o :0 ;0
Shasta Lowe People in my dorm hall dont know how to shut the hell up at 2-o-clock in the freakin morning!!!
Angela Balbiran CLICK & LIKE PLSSS...
Doaa Al-fahel اعرف شخصيتك من خلال حرفك
... ... .
ما عليك الا تنسخ الرقم الي تحت شهرك في كومنت
وتشيل علامة (+) قبل ما تضغط Enter
Prince Segun Adegunle After a test,a student just got 60%, the student went back and gave it to his father, his father was very angry with him and he said that"if you score lower than this next time, you don't call me 'father'. and the next day the student got 40% and when he got back home and saw his father and he said 'uncle' i got 40% this time o <3.
Stella Sotirhou Εκεί που αρχίζει ο εγωϊσμός τελειώνει η αγάπη.
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超级优惠!超级惊喜!女王俱乐部给您の!就是品质の保证!!! 赶快询问价钱...吧!惊喜连连不间断哦!! ♥ 一天一粒,一个月轻轻松松瘦下5-10 kg!! ♥ 1 cap a day~ 1 month loss 5-10kg ♥ 真的很有效果!而且绝对没有副作用! ♥ only have effective~to...
Wanda Martinez When filling out your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address: A Recovering American Soldier, c/o Walter Reed National Military Medical Center 8901 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20889-5600. If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful, special people, who have sacrificed so much would get. Feel free to copy and post on your wall ♥
Okoye Angel wn i woke up dz murnin d 1st tin 2 say hapi new mth 2 m wz a heavy breeze nd cold dn i realise w dz z 1st december,hapi new mth pals w tnk God 4 kpin us alive till dat am so hapi 4 dat if u re nt dn ask urself y re u nt wn u re mnt 2.abeg 4 doz hapi hw d xmas go b na w nid 2 pop smtin o pls start savin moni 4 bth of us.2 my classmate n hans nd maria regina hapi xmas n advance
Kim Anh Qnu Mình cứ nghĩ mình tốt nhưng thật ra mình còn quá nhiều điểm xấu nên người khác đối với mình là 1 trái tim thờ ơ. Mình thật kém biết cách nói chuyện và tạo sự lôi cuốn với mọi người. Cuối cùng thì mình thật khô khan.
Andy Marino ........▄██▄......……..((((
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Andreea Stanica Vremea rea arata si mai rau vazuta printr-o fereastra.
Ruth Medina tngo sue~o.. :\..
Muskan Gabi Ne-o cerut o tipă din autobuz 3 euro (mită) ca să dăm la vamă să nu stăm 3 ore ca să ne cotroleze bagajele. Io cu încă câţiva logic că nu i-am dat. La care ea: no, dacă nu daţi, n-aveţi decât să vă scormonească prin baraje. Succes. Singurul lucrul cu care fac contrabandă îi zacuscă.kill me now! Lol
Henrique Trombini Desejamos para o garoto que (sua mão) descanse em paz...
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