Sushil Choudhary I always love to remember those that are my friends right from our kiddy time becos we had the best time together..........
Onikosi Adeola Sunday Thank God I made it...
Kai Lorberg i need $400
Joy Salcedo “Welcoming imperfection is the way to accomplish what perfectionism promises but never delivers. It gives us our best performance, and genuine acceptance in the family of human—and by that I mean imperfect—beings.”— Martha Beck
Phillip Jason Vondohlen beautiful day,still chilly but it will do. I might get some work done today,just one ...
Richard Keith Vogel Jr. Niggas talk mad shit over facebook but i bet they wouldnt talk that shit to my face. My name rings bells around richard keith vogel junior aka rockie. Holla at me if u have a problem with my girl nigga and get laid the fuck out
Sheila Marie Pormento DEAR GOD,
I wanna take a minute not to ask anything from you, but simply to say THANK YOU, FOR ALL I HAVE.
Bill Cotter To my lovely bride, thank you for helping me out this morning. I could not find my car key before work today. I looked here I looked there I looked everywhere car key. Okay I will get the spare key, but where is the spare key? It was to the point I called work and said I would be at least a couple hours late. I was about to look in the same place, for the fourth time, when my wife said "I found you car key." Thank you again for ending a stressful start to this day. I love you. — in Rosemont, IL.
Josh May Feel like shit and didn't even drink beer all night. damnit if ima have a headache I wana earn it
Tracy Mulroy Rosenthal Hello December. Home today with my littlest princess. Fever and sniffles for Peyton. At least I may actually get the tree up today. Working on clearing the room for it. At least I should have a productive day. Paige was really disappointed that we weren't haven't gifted today. 3 new students were supposed to start too. There's always next week...
Daniel Lusungu Mumba I nid a 100gland bank Statement!
Kimberly Brown If i had a flower for every time you made me smile and laugh....I`d have a garden to walk in forever....ily Jay:-))
Angel'n Julissa Diaz Buenoz dia familia i amigos.solo falta 30 dia para el año 2012.
Nicky Oira Rado for those people who's been judging me..
may my God richly bless your mind,
cleanse it from evil things.
after all i still believe in this verse,
Romans 14:13
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.
Theresa Lafferty I wanted to call you today to say I love you, but your old number is no longer in service. I tried the operator she said 'sorry I have no number for you'. I tried to go to your house, but you don't live there anymore. The post office has no forwarding address. I guess heaven is just too far away. I Love You, I Miss You. You are in my heart always and forever. Copy and paste in remembrance... BJ Kalis
Leola Brady-Price Today is World AIDS day and you know I've got lessons for my let's just see how a conservative school with conservative parents respond ;-) You know I have to rock the boat for the cause!
Pooja Jain If A is 1,B is 2,C is 3...Z is 26...
then L+O+V+E is 54..
F+R+I+E+N+D+S+H+I+P is 108..
FRIENDSHIP is twice stronger than LOVE..=)
Joe Rada I just checked all my past posts and found 15 people wishing me a happy birthday Nov. 18. Facebook is supposed to send a notice to my private e-mail address and tell me I have mail, but none were sent. So a belated THANK YOU to all the folks who wrote to me. I really feel loved this very chilly morning in Tennessee
Nichole Shier Ok i can never just have good luck....ok all my guys friends on here i need ur help or anyone that can help me.....when i start my car and try to take it out of park my button is so hard to push that i can barley to it my self does anyone kno whats wrong? I tried lookin it up on line but couldnt find anythin :(
Evelyn Gavilan Good morning and God bless you all!!! I woke up with one specific word in mind, discipline. Discipline to me, is focusing and eliminating, zeroing in on what is important in every area of life. Discipline not only leads to right thinking, pleasing behavior and balanced emotions, but also produces a purpose driven life based on right goals and priorities. Always remember, If you don't create change, change will create you...
Jessica King In my morning devotions somehow I ended up in revelations chapter
Christine Massey I see Ann Rule has a new book out!!!! She is one of my favorites even though she is a crime writer.
Roenelle Flor Villegas I walk along the city streets you used to walk along with me. Lalalala. <3
Pam Kyler So the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that you have the right to protest military funerals. I invite you to start your protest in my front yard, and we can see if your first amendment right is better than my second amendment right. Repost if you're a vet, love a vet, or just support vets!
Pamela Bruner The amount of time a women spends on herself is crazy; yet ironically beautiful! To do ones nails it would take about 30-45 minutes done right; make-up another 30 minutes, hair...oh my for myself...1.5-2 hours... finding an outfit... about 1 hour after numerous tries....finally finding the right one..then there are the shoes, assecories and perfume to choose from.....All this just to get ready in the mornings.........Is it just me; or am I just a super diva!!! hahahaha
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