Stacie Fuste' O'Neal Just have to pass this along.... I have so much going on in my life right now... I need a blessing and cant afford to not pay it forward... so here ya go... If you have taken a minute to read this... God has seen YOU struggling with something. God says its over. A blessing is coming your way.... If you believe in God send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. If you believe in God… drop everything and re-post it. Can't hurt...I Still Believe in Miracles..
Sadiq Hauwa I nd help
Ashley Kelley Don't underestimate the things that I will do.
Rachel Burton Lynd this morning when i set down at my desk, i found a love note from my daughter. So sweet! Thankful for such loving children :)
Elyas Zaree Azizi I dont hate u for not loving me
i hate my self for still loving uuu.....!
Mariana Carrasquillo Chilln at hme wit da sis Rosa Thee Missz Carrasquillo n my nephew Tristan Ray Alexander Lowery he sooo bad always touchin sumthang bt i gotta love hym,,,, missin my wifey Briana J Pierre
Desean Hankins Girl:Y haven't u been picking up the phone wen I call
Me: don't trip
Girl: ugh u don't have time 4 me
Me: its not dat
Girl: wat is it then
Me: I been on a mission
Girl: wtf wat type of mission
Me: I'm on a money maken mission
Joan Palencia " why i always end up disappointed? everything seems didn't work at all...
no matter how i try to keep things right.....
still i prone to mess up.....
- this is real.... this is me! maybe im not exactly what im supposed to be now.....
Omar Tamimi اعرف شخصيتك من خلال حرفك
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Babalola Odunola Kafayat HAPPY NEW MONTH 2 ALL MY FRIENDS i pray 2 almighty God dat all ur dreams shall cum 2ru. KEEP PRAYING
Katherine Joy Ortiz i lost my identity na!
I must bring back my oldself.. The j0yful pers0n who didnt depend on anyone f0r my happiness. If i fail, i definitely try again!! :D I rather to ch0ose BETTER than BITTER!
Eds Salinel I love yes mix f;m in riyadh,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Brooke Allison Scott sick, & I'm pretty sure I have strep. just what I need ): dr in a little bit.
Crystal Mccutcheon Lord i thank u for life ,health,strength dis for waking me up to start another day off right and will end in success
Ralp Tubo By ngay ngay are you a good taekwando I hope I can learn with karate too I love karate I wish I have a trainer like you
Komolafe Sola i wanna wish u a merry christmas in advance
Cathy Lynn Judgement: As I look at this card today, I'm reminded of a song by Mary Chapin Carpenter called "The Calling." Part of the lyrics are this:
Whatever the calling, the stumbling or falling
You follow it knowing
There's no other way, there's no other way
Pay attention to what you feel "called" to do today.
Keith Migs Holy shit do i love these two
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Ng Ezepuo Satan shame unto u! All power belongs to Jesus Christ!! Na u go tire!! I must be free!! So,smiling is my portion!!!
Sam Crawford Pple So Childish U Have To Watch Out Fa Yo Fam. B4 Anything Cuz They B Haters To I Laugh Cuz Wen Its My Time Ima Sit Bak N Watch Dea Snakes N Da Grass Cum Out
Tam Saengsiphan I told Santa about what I want for Christmas!
He said,hit the shopping malls,a lot of them are out there,lol,jkg.
Joy Chumba Cnt bliv i had lunch wit my Galitos.n he knew where it was.waaaat!
Camille Holifield Good morning fb. let me begin by stating wwhen i make a comment followed by lol or lmao etc. that means im joking, kidding playin around and all that. lighten up and stop takin stuff so personal! damn
Ozims Too Blessed who steal cars in America? crackheads I guess or its newark an exception from other US cities? damn! them m-fers are keepin me stranded!
Veerendar Reddy Patel #include
void pain()
tension free;
get rdy();
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