Amber Feind Oh my god!!! Supernatural just beat my crying record with both L&O: SVU episodes combined. I am SOOOOO mad at you right now Supernatural!! Dammit dammit dammit!! SO MAD!!! Dear lord, I am about ten more intense lip quivers away from starting an all-out bawling fit.
Sergio Martinez Entre em e veja a programação dde Festas do Zouk para o final de ano!
Shamika Mickens Singin so happy togetheerrr..o ion remember the rest of the
Christina Choate Hung out with a old friend today. It brought bck so many good times. I really had a great day. 8:o)
Aos companheiros de formação e que admiram Java!! Ressaltando que este vídeo não é de minha autoria.
Bri Yazzie Cowboys are ahead lets hope they stay that way!! *o*
Charmaineshonna Harper take this eye test
find the 3 mistakes 123$56&8913
find the B 88888888888888888888B888888888888888
make a wish in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 make a wish "i wish **********"
copy and paste this or else your wish will be the opisit
Jasmine Garduno me &&nd maria at restaurant
Me: *using the bathroom**
Maria: *in the other stall*
Me: nigga !!!
Maria: whut
Me: nun :3
Maria *tried taking pics of me using the toilet*
Me: Nigga NOOOO !!!!
Maria: Haha
Employee: You girls gotta stay quiet please
Maria: -.-
Me: :O Bitch atleast help me !!!
Me &nd maria : hahaha !! XDD
Yamil Alequin de Jesus Violencia contra la mujer en Puerto Rico
ni un golpe mas, el que no este de acuerdo o ciega que se raspe si no le gusta mi video
Crystal Lopez UGH my sister is a little fucking asshole and im done trying too help her ive done all i can and she still treats me like shittt and acts like im nothing too her and she dont even want me too fuckin be there when my niece is born FUCK IT i tried and enough is fuckin enough o well maybe im just fuckin better off with out some people in my life. this shittts fucking sad straight the fuck up
Rafael Brito Gomes O Poder da coletividade! Assista e reflita!
Lindo lindo!!! Um comercial indiano que merece ser visto!! :)
Thaiz Alcantara O bráz me espera manhã
Eduardo Lopez Samuel Pantoja Castro ha compartido el siguiente enlace y ha comentado esto: ¡Ke tal! Lalo, te deseo un dia muy animado para ti y todos kienes te rodean o vivan contigo...recibe saludos nuestros y ke Dios te siga bendiciendo con muchos mas cumpleaños alegres...Cuidate y hasta luego Lalo...
Theresa Maire Hicks iyff yhurr namee beqinss withh a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z #likee mii statuss &&ndd ill riqhtt somethinqq aboutt yhuu onn yhurr wall...... :)
Yog Raj Badade . .
Nasrullah Sangi Zadah السلام و علیکم ! صبح بخیر، دوستو Assalam o alaikum my friends Goo/) /\/\orning
Shane Towne oks o on family fued on facebook the question in fast money was why not the guy bring his wife over the threshhold and i answered cuz his penis is to big and it is lik thats righttt 76 pionts!!
Clarissa Marie Mathers Lms for.. For Christmas I Want . . .
[] Youu♥
[] To Hang Out Withh Youu
[] A Christmas Cardd ^.^
[]A Hugee Hugg ;o ...
[] A Kiss ♥
[] A Chancee
[] A Present ;P
[] Rudolphh (:
[] Youu & Me Under The Mistle Toe C;
[] Some Milkk & Cookies! ;D
If You Asked For A Kiss I'd :
[] Grab Your Hand & Kiss You
[] Laugh & Say " Ooh shut up ! "
[] Find Out For Yourself !
[] Look At You Weird ...
You should :
[] FB Marry Me
[] Be Mine
[] Post This As Your Status!
[] Inbox Me :)
[] Hangout With Me (:
[] post something cute on my wall ;P
[] ♡ HMU
[] 유 Stop Being A Stranger
You Are . . . ?
[] All I Want' ♥
[] Cutee ^.^
[] Pretty
[] Mean -_____-
[] Alright
[] Funny AF !
[] My Friendd
[] Not My Type.
[] Sexy ^.^
[] Nicee ( :
[] Finee ( ;
[] Eww ... -.-
[] Sweet
[] Beautiful
Rate . . . ?
[] 1-5
[] 6-7
[] 8-9
[] Broke My Scale
Kauê Rodrigues Indo dormir agora, dps de um dia maravilhoso que o Senhor fez! Obrigado Jesus por mais um dia! Bye galérênha :D:D:D:D
Sarah Walker o man yal going to london for 14 day and i think im love it
Arianna Ok erryone shud like. o;
like/comment on what yo take. i take any requests.
Lacey Plummer Boredddddddd like shit i miss my bestie shannon nd my baby ant....ugh i hate sitten home all day nd night i get so sleepy nd i havent dont a thing all day o well gotta relax sometimes lata facerzzzzz much love
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