Ashley Melton I wonder when your going to tell us your plans like for real we already know the deal just tell us dam it aint that hard.
Jeannie BeyakeoEnt Rodriguez I only wanna be with one person now. Finally realized that. Tired of talking to different people. Now ima just be on the lookout for that one person I wanna give my all to.
David Frantz Wow! I made a pot pie tonight, and the kicker is that we were all out of pot!. That's innovation in the kitchen.
Stephanie Rose Salt I Miss My Co Workers,I Bet They all Had a Good Time & Shopping!! Looking forward to see ya all!! :D
Khawar Zafar Reloaded "To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed."
Sue Peterson new quilt on Etsy.. love my batiks...if I had a cabin...
A quilt of many colors. What a pleasure to have this quilt on a comfortable couch, snuggled before the fire. How about a large throw for your twin
Evan Burgess has anyone calculated a formula to derive the horny/desperate coefficient yet? i feel as though i may have to be that candidate..
Drew Millz I refuse to let someone make me doubt myself im wayy too confident in any an everything I do
Jamie Doster Gonna take a shower.....and do my nails then watch tv and sleep.....I held the geckos they feel weird lol but they are adorable....hmu :)
DeAnn Swallick Laying on the couch watching snapped. I love this show!
David Harris i dont know how to even respond to todays Dexter episode.
Marcus Stegman McVey Have to laugh at people who are against spanking. My parents whipped my butt like there was no tomorrow. I didn't hate them. I didn't have trust issues with them because of it. I didn't fear them. But I DARN sure respected them! I earned what my boundaries were, and knew what would happen if I crossed them. I wasn't abused, I was disciplined. *Re-post if you got your butt smacked and survived. This is why most kids nowadays have no respect for anyone !!!!
Dag O Pegrén Halland – Good Bye!
För ett halvår sen bestämde jag mig för att lämna ’lustlögnens landskap' (..’Eko Museum’etc.)..Halland och önskelögnens ’Region Halland’. Varför det? Personlig erfarenhet. Flera skäl... Bl.a. det faktum, att jag som bildkonstnär ’svindlats’ på en legitim ersättning av ”damstyrelsen” för ’Konstliv Halland’ – trots Ordf:s rimliga ersättningserbjudande? Allt beroende på en ’dubbellott’ för vinnarna av ett av mina årligen ’skänkta verk’ till Konstlivs konstlotteri 2010.
Sanningen bottnar troligen i att flertalet i Konstlivs styrelse mestadels är amatörer, "menopausgrinigiga kärringar&gnidiga fritidskonstnärer. Något, som jag kan verifiera! "Där den yttersta talangen saknas och som krävs i alla vindar - för att nå upp till internationell elitnivå - visar sig vanligen i alla brister på kompetens...i relevanta avseenden"... Så verkar det vara med styrelseledamöter i Konstliv Halland.
Så där - 'en passant' - för den intresserade är jag utnämnd som professor i "nutida måleri och konstteori" i ett antal länder och stater - bl.a. Mexico, USA, Tyskland. Men jag har konjagsekvent tackat "Nej" med referens till ålder och aktuell hälsa. Med tanke på det, så 'plitar jag vidare i lägre tempo, när lust och energi tillåter...' Jag är ganska sliten och trött.
Som bildkonstnär bland de ca främsta 30 i världen sedan 2005 och som klassiskt bildad konstkritiker, finner jag landskapet Halland – region eller ej? – vara ett av de mest gnidiga, konstfientliga och konstnärligt torftiga landskapen i Europa ( Det ’duger inte längre med ”Halmstadgruppen”!).
Som oberoende och fri konstnär i världen.
Dag O´Pegrén
Klion Daniels goodnite FB pls dont fuck with me when i get up lets try to end 2011 in peace an prepare for 2012!
So-Icey Stress i pay respect when respect is do s/o to the real rites
Noah Bender Yo dawg i heard you like cars so we put a car in your car so you can drive while you drive
Sharina Hogans Now I have been doing too good!!!! to be laying up here eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts while watching KILL BILL.... Double time at the gym this week#
Ashley Montoya Were so blessed Dominic & I are expecting our second child!!! Were soooooo excited :)
Sarah Stubbington Hagen well its time for me to head off to bed well good night to all my fb friends and i love my family and my kids lisa and my stepdaughter mandy and my wonderful husband who means so much to me and my family in halifax miss u all xoxox talk to u all tomorrow
Darion Lamonthe Daniels She said your such a dog, i said your such a boneeee.
Chrissy Garcia I miss you so much baby!!!!!
Debbie Reynolds ɥɐɥɐɥɐɥ spuodsǝɹ oɥʍ ǝǝs oʇ ƃuıɥɔʇɐʍ ǝq ןןıʍ I ˙snʇɐʇs ɹnoʎ oʇ ǝʇsɐd puɐ ʎdoɔ sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI...ʇsod ı ʇɐɥʍ oʇ uoıʇuǝʇʇɐ ʎɐd spuǝıɹɟ ʎɯ ɟo ʎuɐɯ ʍoH :)
Grant Lee Getting ready to record another song. All I need is a general structure to run with. Now its time for the fun part. Going to take it slow and do this right.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!" with Julie Anne San Jose Chariz Solomon & Rocco Nacino Song by: Mariah Carey
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