Tanner Mato My relationship analysis results for Cyitti:
Accuracy: Extremely High
Wow, you two are quite a pair. You care about each other and have each other's backs. Whether it's big news or the small stuff, you can always go to each other.
Chad Christianson Lmao only in Tremeleau will you see the ambulance at the bar and is not on a call...
Edgar Daniel Figueroa Por qué si a los peregrinos que necesitan comidita y atolito la gente sale y les regala comidita y atolito y yo que necesito una novia no sale nadie a regalarme una ):
David L Wilkins Awesome day. Theres not a day that goes by now that I don't thank god for the friends that I have and the ones that enjoy my company. Ppl enjoy ur friends and enjoy the time u have with them u never know when that time might end
To show that we love Canada, Tim Horton's is currently giving away $25 gift cards to all facebook users!! http://bit.ly/rxy65U
Chrissy Stone Every woman deserves a man who calls her baby, kisses her like he means it, holds her like he never wants to let her go, doesn't cheat or lie. Wipes her tears when she cries, doesn't make her jealous of other women, instead makes other women jealous of her, is not scared to let his friends know how he feels about her, and lets her know how much he really loves her
Janoda Cador' CALLING IT A NIGHT !
Tana Payne Wow what the hell i be nice and get played for a fool im so tired of being shit on when is it my turn to be happy again !!!!!!!!!!! soon i hope
Adam Ramirez Dam i need a Drink bad
Stanley Stewart I just seen a white version of @Rayduce Though lol #funnyshit
Eduardo Martinez "My Style Is Masterful Multi Lateral I Can Battle A Fool And Be Naturally Cruel"
Trevon Banks Things is g0in great 4 me again g0t me a g00d w0man aint g0ta w0rry b0ud natn stupid nd finna get paid again already s0 im happy
No Mad Jones Has a horrible stress migraine goodnite
Lisa Theer McBride Omg....10 batches nearly done, and wrapped up for the nite. This starting a week late is a bit of a challenge! TG Mark McBride was Toffee-Teaming with me today!
James Kelly Reynolds Am I Better Off Dead?
Am I Better Off a Quitter?
They Say I'm Better Off Now,than I ever was with her.
They say a few drinks will help me to forget her,
But after one too many I know that I'm never...
I'm Shouting your name all over the town, swearing if i go to her now i can change it all around...And i know im drunk but ill say the words and i just know she'll listen this time.Dialed her number and confessed to her "I'm still in love with you"...but all i heard was nothing...nothing...I got nothing...nothing..I know if I faced her face, that she'll come to her senses.If she sees how much I'm hurting, she'll take me back for sure..She said nothing...nothing...I wanted words but all i heard was nothing...I got nothing...nothing...:(
Heather Hardee-Photography New photos have been added to the Cutest Baby of 2011 Contest!!! Go over the Heather Hardee Photography facebook page and vote for your favorite cutie now! Or enter your cutie into the contest. Deadline to enter is December 15th and the contest ends December 23rd. Winner will recieve a free one hour session with Heather Hardee Photography.
Arden Nagrant Wow. I found some old pictures of me and I compared them with how I look now. I look healthier, happier, and I seem to smile a lot more. My life has improved so much in the last few years and I can't help but to thank all of my friends who have helped me throughtout the years. I love you all so much. And to the ones who I haven't kept in touch with recently, I miss you and I'm sorry we've drifted apart. No matter what happens, you all are insanely special to me. Make no mistake about it. <3
Shannon Geanoulis I felt like Betty Crocker today. Haha Cooked a turkey, now I'm baking homemade cookies! I can't believe Christmas will be here is 2 weeks from today! Let the baking begin!
Karan Tacker A girl doesnt need to tell you, how she feels ?
its all written in her ♥ eyez ♥
if you can read her silent eyez
u definetly deservE her heart ♥ ♥ ♥
Rafael ScorpionKing Flournoy one time i did a church play only to get close to the leading girl.its worked cause i ended up fuckin her. after that i aint been back to church hahaaaaa!!!!!
Jordyn Giddings Don't worry, we're in no hurry
School's out, what did you expect?
I want a range life, if I could settle down.
Pavement - Range Life Driected by S.D. Blen
Amanda Quintana PUT A THUMBZ ^ IF U HAT3 SK()()L L()L ;)
Melody Lee LeBlanc Does anyone have a recipe for Sugar Plums? Not the one with all the dried fruit but ones that are kind of like cherry balls.
Devin Wayne Mendes Im bout to get hip like everybody else xD Inbox me a Question ill answer it on my status .
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