Lakeisha Dixon God has placed me around some amazing married friends. Most of my friends who I connect with in Atlanta are married. Now, In this season. I need 2 really well grounded, fun and laid back single friends to go out with. I Will be working on making this happen immediately.
Ross Curtis How did I spend £60??????!!
I'm not even that drunk, and I predrink since 11am
Nidia Smith I could say very much today was a very productive day. I was able run my errands in the morning. In the Evening was able to get some rest. It was a nice,quiet and relaxing day. Thanks God I feel refreshed and new.
Kieran Irwin My phone was on my lap and I forgot about it and when it vibrated it scared me..
RahRah Stackz “Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be-but before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!”
Krissy Magarine Guess I'm just a little bit tougher than you thought I was. Yeah I break every once in a while, but I always put myself back together. You can say what you want, but I will win every time.
David Heuser i couldn't have made a better move http://www.cnbc.com-investments.us/?Article=36618
Keycherrie Lovin Tolen its a shame how yu can get niggas.in.a lie but they still lie on top of tha sht every girl yu talk to they yo cuzin tha girls yu talk to half of them my cuzin bu their yours to that odd if yu knew better yu would do better cuz this mess yu startin yu cant stop it an i hate that yu wanna play them games its always a fix out their for a lier.if i go to half of them girls yu call yo cuzin they gone tell me something diff..an dats gone really piss me off wat yu want do someone else will do for yu....yu may of won this fight bu yu damn sho havent won this war..pay bac is a bitch..
Kathy Cole Sowards To All My gaming Friends :: Sorry I haven't been on to help much the past 2 days , But I have had some kind of Virus and it has wiped me out!! :(
Essence George im attracted to boys who's been through alot in the lifes..boys who dne been thru bad w/ they fam and school wise, ion knw why but i like being that shoulder they can lean on and that one person who makes they day a lil better...that person who can make them smile wen they have nothing but bad things on their mind!<3 :)) its sumthing bout boys like that, that i really connect to
Giana Pebbles Raymondo wow i think hes saying lucifer is a pus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats just what i get outta it but make your own ass umptions!!!!!!!!!!!
Puscifer song, The Undertaker. Maynard Rules!
Diane Simpson Thank you friends and family for all the prayers thanks to my wonderful husband for all his support I LOVE MARK SIMPSON
Alexis Quinn Southard Its one of those situations where...I hate you :)
Matthew Rooney I prefer remedies of the.. Herbal kind
Anna Katrina Cortez I got "Bear" on the What is your animal soul? quiz! http://apps.facebook.com/qbquiz-hjhbg/?ref=asp
Kyle David All our actions paint a picture surreal
There's no way to erase the hate that I feel
I will take one last look into your face
Before we all crumble and fall
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. And it's not the end of the world.
Mandi Terrell went shootin with babe today... Were both super tired for some odd reason... So it's night night time all early!!! <3 love sleepin on the phone with him... Can't wait till I can be in his actual arms every night... This pillow snuggling ain't workin so well anymore! :/
Shiloe Vogelsang Get to work.. Started at two.. They ask me to stay for full nine hours.. HELL YES I WILL!!!
Lance Chicaul well i guess not all surprises are bad...my boss told me i am going to San Diego tomorrow. sweet
Kayli Doherty if i delete its not me its my fb deleting ppl sorry :x
Tanya Angulo what a great day, today. i got weighed, and...... well message me and i will tell how much i weigh now. i started at 310 lbs over 2 years ago.
Julie Rzab Lets see who actually reads my status.... you and I end up handcuffed together. Using ONLY 3 words, what would you say to me? Now if you comment you must copy and paste this to your status so I can comment on yours as well. Be a good sport and play along. (3 word limit is hard!)
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