Pete McCabe Just got back from casualty ward copped a surfboard fin to the top of the head. 5 stiches, ouch!
Latoya West Females get on here talken bout ni##a dis an ni##a dat wht about u.##
Michelle Mullen I wish I was a little kid again. Im sick of growing up.
Blake Desaulniers Note—you must be a certifiable virgin to qualify:
By Thom Patterson, CNN (CNN) -- Has God taken an interest in the computer dating business? Does he (or she) have a username and password? You might think so, if you’ve seen TV ads for the subscription-based dating website
Ara Cedric um so glad dat i dnt drink anymore cos i knw da nxt mornin i'll get up wit a clear head!
Andrew McDonald Wat the fuck u kno about bein a gangsta wat the fuck u kno about bein in danger.....not shit so step off nigga b4 i murk ya
MadHatter McGinnis RT @dancraggs Lol. In the French version of Men In Black, Will Smith's "Aw, hell naw" is replaced with a frustratingly gentle "Oh non, c'est pas vrai."
Dave P Butenhoff Saw a motorcycle on I90 today. Just not right for January in Minnesota!!!!
Olivia Roff Wise words from Stephanie Raab..."I like music that makes me want to drink. It makes me want to drink." Also, "I need to do my hair; I look like a Chia Pet."
Amber Jones When you wish upon a star...
Rakari Coleman -Likee ;
If iSaw You iWould :
[] Run Up To You And Huq You
[] Scream Your Name Super Loud
[] Say Hi
[] Smile
[] Give You A Huq (:
[] Look At You And Look Away
[] Look At You And Be Shy
[] Be Excited
[] 1-4
[] 5-7
[] 8-9
[] 10+
[] Beyond A Number.
iHonestly Think That You Are...
[] Cute ^_^
[] Pretty ;D
[] Funny xD
[] Weird But iStill ♥ You
[] Cool (:
[] Nice And Sweet (;
[] You Got Swaq :P
If iSaw You On My Floor Sleepinq, iWould :
[] Put A Blanket On You (:
[] Kick You Out >.<
[] Wake You Up.! :P
[] Be Like WTF.? O_o
[] Draw On Your Face >:D
[] Be Like Lets Cuddle (;
You Should.?
[] Stop Beinq A Stranger
[] TextMe ♥
[] InboxMe
Stephanie Kneeland "you already have a phone!" Okay.... Then I want a phone, tiny mp3 player, planner, and gaming device. Phone is just slang, dad.
Zuri Yasmine Zeigler Why does every black man with an IQ of at least 3 want to be a damn rapper. -_-". White guys, too. Not EVERYBODY can be a damn rapper. How about becoming someone useful to society.
Dustin Cason put money in a book I bet these bitchs wouldn't find it
Greg Rushing hey tj yates has as many playoff wins as tony romo. Aint that a hoot
Rashonna Davis why some of these niggas be scared to answer a real woman?
Victor Salas Had a bad ass work out.
Julie Jones Ava's birthday party was a blast and very interesting to say the least. Oh we shall see what awaits us in the days to come. Love my Ava Claire
Kristi Dietrich Dear little Caylee Anthony, Last night on E.T. they mentioned that your mommy is going to make a lot of money off a book "Her Story" and a movie. Caylee, we the public promise you "WE" will not buy either one. If you promise Caylee, then copy and paste this. I did, lets boycott this so Casey Anthony will not get rich off the murder of her baby! R.I.P Caylee Marie Anthony you will never be forgotten
Amber Sturdivant Another great day with the family. I have the best man and the world and my wonderful kids here with me. Building a fire, so much for movies. Lexy and Dalton always remember Moma love you more than anything and will always be here when you need anything even when others that should be aren't.
Bradford Kelly Martinis & mise en place...luv a good Saturday night @1436
Hannah Church had a hilarious and great learning experience with Jeff Hendry and Elizabeth Drog at the recruiting auditions in Illinois. Audition Outfit of 2012-A lace top/dress, weird patterned tights, and ugg boots....UPTA ladies, please don't replicate this :)
Anthony Kurdziel That awkward moment when a GPS tells gay person to go straight!
Linda Osborne How many people can say that my bestfriend and I just stole a door from a random persons house.... Yeah, i bet not alot:D
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