Constance Lee "You sit on a throne of lies" lol I love the movie Elf!
Nicole Love dear santa,
all i want for christmas is to go see the 2 people that i miss most of all
you two know who you are :) lol
Bharath Reddy Bollapu I still miss my ex-girlfriend, but my aim is improving!!!
Marie Strickland 3 hours to go and all i have left to do is stock the cooler. 3rd shift is so slow compared to 2nd.
Vee Colliér So we all know what tweezers are riiiiight???
....Mmmkay so why do i keep seeing catapillers on these gurls faces???
Alexis Limon Loving you isnt the right thing to do. How can i ever change things that i feel? If i could maybe id give you my world. How can i when you wont take it from me?
Deep Nil today i am free .so any one meet me?
Synthcia Herrendorfer Life is 2 short 2 depend 0n ''wat-ifs'' nd ''should-haves,2 short 4 us 2 forget 2tel people how special they r. 2day im takin time 2say im blessed 2hav my fwends in my life! I luv u guys..
Zach Cole Dear nap I took earlier, Though at the time you were needed and amazing, I'm regretting taking you for the sheer fact i wanna sleep now but I can't. Sincerely Me
Aam July Trezuno Dear Santa, I don't want much for Christmas...
I just want the person reading this to remain in my life forever. :'))
Tay Teez I like her alot but I don't love her at all
Nzp Taow ... his advice to me was "ay wats up...u look hot" and my response to him was how wood u feel if u were the one in da spot? then i said "ay wats up...u look hot" (and i meant it)... he was "are u serious." lmfao!
-The story: a good carpenter had a project to do and he was about to retired; the boss gave him his last project. He got lazy and built the house very crappy and not so stable. when he was done the boss pronounce "CONGRATS, THIS IS UR NEW HOME- A PRESENT FOR YOU!"-
... get the lesson ?... xD
(Nvr give advice that you don't use it or awkward said to you... Nvr stop trying ur best because it may end being a burden upon you.)
Brittany Lemon Somebody talk to me til 6 ughh i hate working over so draining and boring :(
Dickson Thuggy Frimpong I LOVE YOU JESUS.
Johnny Womack I'm with George. We need to be unite for the 2012 election.
George Clooney: “Democrats eat their own. Democrats find singular issues and go, ‘Well, I didn’t get everything I wanted.’
I’m a firm believer in sticking by and sticking up for the people whom you’ve elected.
If (Obama) was a Republican running, because Republicans are better at this,” Clooney continued, “they’d be selling him as the guy who stopped 400,000 jobs a month from leaving the country. They’d be selling him as the guy who saved the auto-industry. If they had the beliefs, they’d be selling him as the guy who got rid of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ who got Osama bin Laden. You could be selling this as a very successful three years.”
Toya Lewis at my besty house haven girl time lol (when i say Chunky is all grown up she is really grown up) lol
Megan Claire Roxburgh WOAH! my profile was viewed 13 times JUST TODAY, and I can see that I have quite a few stalkers LOL! Find out yours here
Ashley Nicole Winchester Omg I'm not gonna make it home if I keep falling asleep, get your ish together ashley!!
Mj F. Gan i just wanna say thank you to those who greeted me and wished me a happy birthday!
it's been very fruitful year me because i received God's blessings unexpectedly though I'm hoping for it.
my family, friends and beloved ones, thanks to everyone of you!
Evan Krajesky I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Wunmsy Ifedayo I love my family and my friends, mostly my dad &mum.
D.j. Ken I know Christmas comes before CNY but i spent 2 months producing this so ......
经过18天和5,859公里的开心足迹总里数,集合超过60位Astro与MY FM艺人,超过10,000民众参与,全马最大型、最多群众参与的《开心乐龙龙》新年万人MV。 2012年,开心怎能少了你。
Saundra Jennings-sherman Im here blessed to be with the one I call my husband. My <3 my <3 thsts my everything. When I dnt wanna smile yu put ya hands and fingers where yu kno im going to scream. I lov3 yu...
Maya Sneed Fuck i cant many thoughts racing through my head... I need him to make me laugh :p
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