Justice D Parollmaster if wat u cherish & luv most goes wit-out any reson,dont panic cos it may come back 2u & wen it comes its urs 4ever.
GRAP ur COPY now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUDmownin frnds,pals,dude,bitches & fans.10x 4ur support!!!!
Ina Mae Lyons i hope u take the road less traveled, and i hope u find the courage to grow
Nicole Butcher Just letting everyone know that Secret Creek became live yesterday, so if u know anyone who is looking for a Xmas pressie for a fisherman, get onto it!
Carol Waweru I miss u dearly
Mel No Lymit Everybody that has turned they back on me, tried to bs me, use me, run game, lie, cheat, steal,alllllllllllllll u mf can kiss my ass! If u think im talkn abt u yeah u!
Ryan Vicente Cant wait till.new years gonna chill by myself! Unless the she comes over n it aint u I swear u spent time with so u know it aint u cause u were jus a fuck! Sorry!!
Lovely Michelle ,Fuckn Goodnite Man, Offically pissed Off man I hate dependn on other ppl ugh can't wait too I gt my shit bck out here in triffic dnt tell me 1 thing n do another RAMDOM TGOUGHT: how da fuk u b wit a nigga alday nd cum bck empty handed...I mean u anit gt nuthng smh?#STEPYOGAMEUPLADIES
Charles Kaahanui Jr. Shawty I been looking at these pictures of u, CYBER SURFIN'.. ;)
Thando Khumalo damn u jst gotta luv god..luk hw my lyf is going ryt nw...u r da best man in my lyf! Nd dat wont change
A.R. REHMAN, ZAKIR HUSSAI, SIVAMANI.. three heroessssss :) rare pic share it if u like it :)
Rhonald Juaneza + isang malungkot na pasko ang dartng skn..
+ Sana wak kau lumayo sa akn lalo kna coz now i miz u xo much..
+ i love u lotz more dan my lyf..ur my everyting
+ rhon ='(
Sivile Bayanda Adele .sme1 lyk u rock y;all
Ogunnoiki Temitope Hmmmm! Dis cold is 2 much ooo, hp u ar feeling the same thing? Gudmorning.
Jackie EXclusivevc Keepitmovin Johnson Soooooo u mean 2 tell me I cant sleep @ decent times of the night anymore. I dont like this, Im thinkin too much. For those dat know me know smh lol ijs dat is all
Mido Mawela Mido u cnt ply a plyr.
Aman Mehra Due to bad weather,srk visit 4 today iz cancelled...!!
Miss u srk cum soon...
Sulayman Ibrahim DON'T BE DECEIVED: Therez no MIRACLE / MAGIC like God answering 1ce request or for HIM just to give u what u neva expected!!!
Elusanmi Horpehyemmy Holluwathoccine A beautiful morning 2 u all,hope u all dream of me?
Freddy Orta In life everyone will get knock down. The only difference is how u come up. I'm comin up. # bet tht.
Matthew Melton i been goin throught this shit since i was little and it still dnt make no since i still cant deal wit it people wonder why i'm so crazy shit if you walk a mile in my shoes u would kno i can count da good times on one hand but i cnt do dat wit da bad cause its too many
Joseph George wow!!!
1) Click the link below
2) Click "Play"
3) Watch the awesomeness
4) Share ;)
Link: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/077/2/e/Animator_vs__Animation_by_alanbecker.swf
Sunil Sachdeva urgent warning to all facebook users!!!!!!!!!!!!
friends be careful.................. this is serious
hackers are posting sexual videos and pics on ur wall you dont see them but ur friends do, then it seems as if you posted it if u see such a garbage posted under my name pls let me know bcz i didnt post it share it to protect your self and your friends.............
Jitendra Rajput If u realy wnt 2 live, strt off each day by fndin sumthng 2 b thknful for.
Mal A. Salvador The real love all about understanding, feeling, and caring,...i care about u how about u? lolz hihi....xxx..mal..
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