Hazel Ngema Dam Twitter makes me fl like an idiot..well its bck to my facebook...i dont like change much anyway..mxm
Candy Kbal Koch After take medicine make my eyes close and I want to sleep now:-(
Ryan Rabine So I just woke up from the most fucked up dream of my life I thought I was gonna be killed for real
Shakeel Shaikh Girl's Status On Facebuk.
'I AM SAD:-('
Cmmnts :
1.Kya hua baby?
2.Hey dear evrythng ok?
3.Hey dnt b sad jaan..tell me wht happn?
4.Evrythng gonna b chill..swthrt
Boy's Status On Facebook
'I AM SAD:-('
1.Rota hi reh zindgi bhr
2.Kya hua kaminey?
3.Sala dukhi Aatma
4.Zindgi Barbad h teri sale.
Sara Aly Dont mix up my Personality with my Attitude...
My Personlity is 'What I am'...
My Attitude depends on 'Who you are'
Dwayne Minor Can't wait for the day I wake up and am like "I know what I want to go to college for! " so I can just comit already. Hhl
Mary McCarthy TODAY is the day that I'm heading to florida!!! I can't wait for DISNEY WORLD i just can't wait
Jamie Schuster And yesterday I knew just what you wanted, when you came walkin up to me with her, so I told you that I was happy for you. And given the chance I'd lie again, just to see you smile.
Danita Harvey Just got my nails done now im thinkin should I get my hair done cause I haven did anything for me in a long time man just paid my dte im feeling good today thanj the lord for that later gotta pamper myself some more.
& everytime the phone rings,
i breathe in slowly and pray
that it's finally you, calling to say
"baby, i miss you too."♥
♥ Amy ♥
Nickkie Mallory Not going yet cause the fever reducer med i gave my lil man is working, now just watching cartoons til he falls asleep....... Thank u God i knew u would lay ur hands on him n make him feel better......... God is good All the Time
John Sperring First official Dr. appointment of the year!!! Eye doctor, I need glasses!!!! All those years of snappin the carrott caught up to me!!!!!
Shivansh Gupta Lady in bus: "Your THING is touching me!!!"
Man: "Sorry, it's my salary in my pocket.."
Lady: "I am observing you, your salary increased 5 times in last 10 Minutes..!" :p
Partymarket Chippy Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts I can give myself when I let go of judgement resentment expectation are anger I open my heart and my life to the expierence of growth and freedom.. #forgivenessisagift
Mccaul True Oh joy sick & have no voice at a job that i have to talk on the phone and face to face all day! Thank you boys mommy loves EVERYTHING you give me! lmao
Towanda Bah loving and enjoying everything that god has blessed me with,i wont take anything for granted just enjoying my life and family....
Maria Allgood i have a iunch of borin ass facebook friends i need 2 find new 1 ya wack lol wheres dorese lol u always puttin some funny shit on here lml

Aaron Bir Want to keep up with art and whatnot? Check out and like my FB page!
I'm going to mention a lot here for the next few days. After this Fri., I'm probably going to be cutting down my friend list to be people I know, personally. Love you all. Thanks!

I am an artist and illustrator living in Austin, TX. My work runs the gamut, from traditional cartooning to mixed media paintings. I primarily use water based media, such as: ink, watercolors, and acrylics. In my paintings, I am beginning to explore the texture along with the illustrative. In my cartooning, I am inspired by Dave McKean, Jeff Smith, John J Muth, Edward Gorey, and Tim Burton.
I feel that visual art is intentional insanity that we invite others to take part in. We use symbols that may or may not have any meaning to others, outside of their own commonly understood values. We then ask the viewers look for ideas or worlds of our own creation without the Rosetta Stone to our visual lexicon. Sometimes the leaps are small and we hold their hand. Other times, the jump is over a canyon and we tie a blindfold over their eyes.

Monique Farrell gd mn ppl...blessings to every one today...i thank god for waking me and my fam up this morning.....i thank him for every lil breath that he give me..cause guess what someone else was not and lucky as me and my family today...make sure u tell your love ones that u love them..i am so glade that i have the type of family that no matter what we go through we all still love one another ...i loveeeeeeee my family
Brandy House Ok, I am officially annoyed. What makes unknown people think they caan e-mail you with something that has an 'attached' whatever and you will just open it?? And then there's the stupid calls from......asking about extended education or.......Grrrr! You visit one site and get bombarded with crap!
OK, I feel better now. :)
Dizzle Bizzle Gee Well Look's to me that sum fuxkin fat as bitch can't make it on her own!! Bitch gotta get me for child support what a lier she said she is that ohh"! Imm not gunna get you for child support said the fat bitch buhh thank for make my life more harder bitch I don't wanna see the kid's or talk to the kid's you can have them hater
Rocking Lovnika Go away frm my lyf .....Go away frm my hrt.....leav me alone in ths lonliness so dat u shud observe ths fact.....Dat SUMDAY I COULD HAVE BEEN URS BT U NVR WANTED DAT
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